Lanier James
Who is the shortest counselor?
Chana Sherman
What age group has the most kids? (Boys and girls)
6 years old
On which trip did we spend the most time on the bus?
Lion Country Safari
Name three lunches
bagels, pizza, salami
How many entrances are there to the building?
Where do Head Counselor Chaya and Leah actually live? (Not during the summer)
California and Chicago
How many trips did we go on this summer? (without swimming)
How many loaves of bread do we need on sandwich day?
55 loaves
How many rooms are downstairs in Lanier James?
What is the name of Rabbi Motty and Raizys' son?
What is the pioneer head counselors name? (Including her last name)
Lieba Gray
How many camps were at unity day?
How many pies of pizza does Camp Gan Israel buy a week?
How many years has Camp Gan Israel been in Lanier James?
How many counselors are in Camp Gan Israel?
Name the two main bus drivers.
Edna and Roberto.
How much did the Frost science museum cost for every single camper? (Including buses)
Name the four fruits we have had all summers?
Plums, nectarines, bananas, and apples.
How many offices are in the building? And name them.
Three. Lanier James office, Rabbi Mottys desk, Raizys office (supply room).
How many kids do Rabbi Mendy and Endi Tennenhaus have?
How many campers did Camp Gan Israel have this summer?
What do the head counselors need to do before the buses can pull out?
How many boxes of snacks do we buy a week?