
A camper in your group has a cut and needs a band-aide

you do not have any band-aides in your backpack

Call for the medics on Channel 3

ask them to bring you a band-aid

*Make sure to include your location*


In what building does Navigator stay in during inclement weather 



two campers get physical with each other 

When should you report that to your unit coordinator 

-Right Away

**if your UC is not on property at that time you should call for your DL**


You're group is a tower (Rockwall)

Your partner counselor is on lunch, you are by yourself.

What options do your kids have?

- table/group games at the tables behind the rockwall

-the volleyball court-but only if another group is there and you have asked a that counselor if they can watch your kids as well. 


a camper in your unit does not have a lunch and you are not sure if they are on the lunch program or not

What do you do?


Bonus points if you mentioned: Letting UC know, or double checking lunch roster 


When should you know about the allergies of your campers in your unit?


When handing out ANY food to campers you should be checking your roll sheet as well as the snack to make sure the camper is not allergic 


How often should you be doing a name to face

At the beginning and end of each rotation

AND after any activities where groups are mixed


a camper in your group wanders off frequently 

what are some solutions 

-have the camper hold your backpack strap (if younger)

-make sure you or your partner have eyes on that child at all times

-make that child line leader/ Last person in line

-let your leadership know


You are inside a lodge with 20 kids 

your partner counselor is under 18 and you need to take a 3 kids to the restroom 

What do you do?

-Call for leadership from your unit if available


-you and your partner counselor take ALL campers to the bathroom 


How often should a camper be putting on sunscreen and drinking water

Every hour

*Bonus points if you mention sooner than an hour for those with pale skin and burn easily*


what color is the injury report and who is responsible for filling it out?


it is the counselor who witnessed the injury who is responsible for filling out the injury report


How long do we stay inside after thunder or lightning?

30 minutes

**if more is heard while we are inside the 30 minutes starts over**


a camper in your group frequently pulls out their phone while at rotations and at the unit and each time claims they are talking to Mom/Dad

What do you do

-ask the camper to put the phone up

- if the camper NEEDS to call parents the UC may allow them to use the phone in the office to call

-take the phone if it becomes a problem


You show up to special event and it is a "free roam" of different rotation

How do you and your group go about the special event 

You and your ENTIRE group rotate through the stations as a group together. 


When you have an issue within YOUR unit who is the first person you should contact

the Unit Coordinator for YOUR unit


A camper in your group hits their head but says their fine 

When do you call the medic

-immediately after the injury happens


in the event of an active shooter what should you and your group do

everyone scatters

run as quickly as possible to a hiding place (not as a group)


When a camper in your group is upset and refusing to move what are some of the steps that you can take 

-ask them why they're upset

-give them a time limit on when they need to move (2-3 minutes)

-call for leadership (your leadership)


you take a group of 4 to the kaboom bathroom 

What are the steps you take

1. clear the inside the bathrooms

2. allow only EVEN numbers in the bathrooms

3. Make sure to call into the bathroom to verify you have all of your kids before leaving 


You hear of a last minute spot open for aqua park and your partner counselor doesn't know about it 

let your partner counselor know about the open rotation 

you go to the rotation together. 


In the event of a medical emergency and an ambulance is called to camp 

it is your responsibility to what?

-Move your kids off the road

- if the ambulance is in the immediate area of you and your group you should quickly and safely relocate your group.


When a "Code Adam" is called what are the Steps you as a counselor should take?

1. EACH counselor with group does name to face

2. Wait for your UC to clear the group 

3. If Code Adam continues one counselor from each group goes to Waterfront to start foot sweeps

4. If Code Adam continues further all groups should be moved to field 11 and field 12


A camper in your group is frequently a problem 

-not listening 

-cant keep their hands to themselves 

-throws fits often

what are the possible solutions

-talk to UC

-create behavior plan

-keep closer eye one camper

-talk to parents about possible solutions


A group is on the kaboom field

both partner counselors are here

one counselor is in the volleyball quart

the other is under the voyager tent

the campers of the group are scattered between the volleyball quart, the kaboom field and the voyager tent. 

What corrections need to be made

- if the group is scheduled for kaboom field they should not be in the volleyball quart without checking that another group isn't already there

-the campers are too spread out for the counselors to safely supervise all of them 

-ideally they should be playing an organized game for some/all of that rotation.


your partner counselor comes back from lunch late frequently and it pushes your lunch back 

What are the steps you can take?

- YOU tell your partner counselor that you'd appreciate of they come back on time

-if it continues let your UC know