Gen Z Slang
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Guess This Hero/Villain

What does one mean when he says "Yeet"?

What is: to discard an item at a high velocity


I once was lost...

What is: but now I'm found


This person was on his way to Bethel and some little kids came out from the town and taunted him, saying "What's up, old bald-head! Out of our way, skinhead!" He turned, took one look at them, and cursed them in the name of God.  Two bears then charged out of the underbrush and knocked them about, ripping them limb from limb - forty-two children in all!

What is: Elisha


"Does it come in black?"

What is: Batman


What does it mean when one is "woke"?

What is: to describe "consciousness" and being aware of the truth behind things


Before I spoke a word

What is: You were singing over me


Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love.

What is: Solomon


His Father is a Celestial, and he likes 80's music

What is: Starlord or Peter Quill


What is the meaning of the word "Tea"?

What is: The best kind of gossip/drama that is usually spread among friends about people you collectively know.


Oh Lord, my God...

What is: when I in awesome wonder


Who stabbed a King who was so fat that when stabbed the fat closed over the sword, hilt and all?

What is: Ehud


The Black Symbiote, Eddie Brock

What is: Venom