Camp Sanitation
Safety at Camp
Chlorine Bleach, Boiling, Iodine, Filters
Name at least 3 ways to purify water
Earthquake, fires, floods, hurricane, tornado, avalanche.
What are four natural disasters to watch for while camping?
Name three animals or insects you have or may see at camp?
Answers will vary
Refer to the bottom of pg. 67 in your YW Camp Manual for a picture and written description.
What is a "lean-to?"
Burn, bury, remove from camp.
Name 3 ways to dispose of trash. Which of these ways will you be using at camp?
Baking soda or salt thrown on flame, or cover flame with a metal lid.
What are the appropriate ways to put out a grease fire?
A grouping of stars in a pattern or picture. The Big Dipper (Northern hemisphere) or the Southern Cross (Southern hemisphere)
What is a constellation? What is one of the most frequently used constellations?
East, West
What is the answer to: "The moon comes up in the______, and goes down in the _________.
At least 200 feet.
How far from a water supply should dishwater be discarded, a latrine be built, or other human waste be buried from camp?
Refer to p. 65-66 under "Plans for Disaster" in the Camp Manual.
What are five guidelines you should follow during an electrical storm?
Shiny leaves grow in groups of three with fuzzy stems. Flowers are white, waxy looking and grow in clusters.
What is poison ivy?
Tarps, rain poncho, ropes, branches, cardboard, rocks.
What things could be used to make an emergency shelter if you did not have a tent?
For 3 to 7 minutes
How long should you boil water when purifying it?
Know what local authorities you can contact, plan an escape route, have a central meeting location, and determine a way to account for all campers.
What are four precautionary measures that should be taken prior to setting up camp in case of an emergency?
"Leaflets three? Let it be...Berries white? Take flight!!!
What is a rhyming verse that is a good guideline for poisonous plants.
Stars, Moon, and the Sun.
What are 3 ways to determine the direction you are facing? ((Besides using a compass.....or smartphone!)
Four drops of bleach to each liter of water. Let stand 30 minutes prior to drinking.
Describe the process of purifying water with chlorine bleach.
Hang bright flag on tree; universal distress signal (3 shouts, 3 whistles or 3 gunshots); sweep horizon with mirror or metal; send SOS call (3short signals then 3 long signals then 3 short signals) using flashlight, whistle, or 2 way radio; large SOS made in sand or snow; and mountain climbers' signal of distress (both arms raised and crossing them).
What are five ways to signal for help when lost at camp?
Cumulus--fluffy and white on sunny days. Cirrus--thin, feathery clouds with sky showing between; usually indicate rain in a few days; usually are in higher altitudes.
What is the difference between Cumulus and Cirrus cloud formations?
Find the Big Dipper, locate the pouring edge of the cup, extend an imaginary line from the two stars on the pouring edge. The North Star is about 5 times the distance between these 2 stars. (Refer to pg. 66 for picture and description.)
How could I use the Big Dipper to find the North Star?