What is the hashtag symbol is technically called
How many types of diabetes are there
Type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes
Who’s related to judge Judy
Mark the shark
What is a code 100
When did we declare independence from the loser British
What is the national animal of Scotland
What are the 4 major pump companies in America
Tandem, Medtronic, omnipod and Ilet
Who’s mother works in the health center
Andy Cornelison
What is buried by the swings (what is its name)
A goat named toga
Illinois rail splitter
What does M&M stand for
Mars and murrie
What does DKA stand for
Diabetic keto acidosis
What counselor has 9 pets
When was this camp created
Thomas Edison was best known for creating what
The lightbulb
Where is the famous rapper Eminem raised
Detroit Michigan
What does MDI stand for
Multiple daily injections
What counselor was in the largest forest fire in Jersey
josh Owen Cassidy
What is the zipline called
Hunter’s crossing
What year did the titanic sink
How many Grammys has Elvis Presley won
Who was the first person to receive insulin injections
Leonard Thompson
what counselor has 3 siblings that have been at camp Nejeda
Joe south ard
What is the camp executive directors name
How many wives did king Henry the 8th have