The number of demerit points you will receive if you are 1-5 minutes late
What is 1 demerit point
Are staff members allowed to post pictures to social media with campers in them?
no, only oktc can because those pictures have been approved for distribution.
What to do when you dislike a coworker?
Put differences aside to work together. Remember this is a professional environment. You do not have to get along with everyone but it is important that you can work together.
when a camper asks a tough question, should you immediately say no?
no. It can be tempting to simply say no, but depending on the question and subject matter that can drive a wedge into the conversation.
This disciplinary action will happen once a staff member receives 4 demerit points
verbal warning
Are you subject to disciplinary action if you post a photo with a camper, or let campers follow you on social media?
Yes. Photos will be removed immediately and may face disciplinary action (3 stages).
If you really want to post a photo with a camper far in the background, put an emoji on their face.
Should we talk about our relationships at camp? (romantic, paternal etc.)
no. For privacy and safety of the counsellor, it is best to keep what you tell campers about your personal life at a minimum.
What do you do if the camper is confronting you about an underlying issue that could potentially put the camper in danger?
Talk to admin to ensure proper procedures will be handled to take care of the camper, keep an eye on the camper, and follow up with them.
What you should do if you run into construction on your way to camp and you think you will be late
What is CALL the camp phone (not text, it is a flip phone)
What should you do if you want to post a picture of you and a camper on your social media?
Ask admin to post it to the camp facebook/twitter/insta and you can then repost it. Make sure the water mark is still there/ it is very evident that it was originally posted by the company.
What do you do if you notice counsellors gossiping about another counsellor?
remind them that is inappropriate and unprofessional behavior. Shut down all negativity because it breeds more negativity.
Should you redirect a tough question from a camper back to that camper?
If a kid asks if YOU personally drink, feel free to set the boundary (i.e. as counsellors we have agreed to not talk about things we do or don't do outside of camp while we are at camp).
Next, leave the conversation open/ end with another vague question with the focus on the camper (Being an authority figure is a big responsibility and we don't want you to do exactly what we do. We want you to figure out life and come to those conclusions yourself.
Are you sure there isn't anything else you want to talk about?
These three events will be subject to the lateness policy
training, regular day, wednesday night meeting
What should you do with campers that you are friends with/ following you for a long time?
Block them for the summer. If they ask be honest with them, inform them it is in your contract. After the summer it is your decision as to whether you let them follow you
Is it okay to sit beside another counsellor at CCT/classes/ lunch?
Try not to. If there is a large group of kids sitting down, two counsellors can sit with them. This being said, expand your horizons and sit with new kids! Focus your attention on the kids, not the other staff members! During CCT, all parents will be watching and it looks very unprofessional to have a bunch of counsellors sitting together chatting instead of being spread out with different groups of kids.
why do campers ask tough questions?
There is an underlying issue, they want to mess around, generally interested in our personal lives
the number of minutes late you are to camp if you receive 3 demerit points
16-30 mins late
(1-5 is 1, 6-15 is 2, 16-30 is 3)
Does your social media account have to be private?
No. This being said, it is strongly advised. First, if your account is not private make sure it is 100% pg 6.
Second, parents are now on social media so if you wouldn't like someone's parent/ grandparent seeing your account, keep it private.
Third, having kids follow you that are so much younger is a lil weird.
Fourth, remember that you are representing OKTC as a company.
Fifth, people can also see your tagged photos if your account is public.
what does RACBNAC stand for
relationships are cool but not at camp!
What are some optional routes you can take to answer a camper if they ask a tough question about your personal life?
1. ACKNOWLEDGE the subject matter (i.e. it sounds like you're thinking about this...)
2. ASK a followup question, focus attention on child (i.e. What do you think about it?) also remember duty to disclose
3. AVOID the question (depending on the subject matter, if you can tell they are purposely trying to mess around i.e. do you have a boyfriend, you can simply avoid the question altogether by saying it sarcastically back or something)