How many hours of training must teens complete?
What is 24?
Name one of two universities affiliated with 4-H in VA
What are Virginia Tech, Virginia State?
Where do we meet when the bell sounds continuously?
What is the flag pole?
How do you escort a camper that needs a bathroom break?
What is with at least 3 people in the group, including you?
What are the names of 3 of our local extension staff at camp?
Who are Krista, Jackie, Danielle, Robbie, Glenn and Frank?
What do campers need to have for pool time?
What is a buddy?
A camper's tooth is knocked out while at the pool.
What is get the camper out of the pool and ask staff to contact the clinic to send the nurse if there is lots of blood.
What information about your campers that you see or hear are you required to report?
What is unusual bruising or stories about home abuse?
What do the 4 "H"s stand for?
What are Head, Heart, Hands, Health?
Who assigns punishment or consequences to campers?
Who are 4-H Extension Agent Staff or Center Director?
You can't remember the last time you counted your campers and now you're one short, what do you do?
What is contact Your Extension Agent or Camp Staff immediately?
What do you do if your camper forgot an item?
What is share, improvise, check with an adult for extra?
How often do we ask campers shower?
What is at least once?
If a camper wants to call home what do you do
What is redirect and let Extension staff know?
Thanks to your outdoor cooking skills, you plugged the toilet, what do you do?
What is send a counselor or adult for a plunger? (Maybe a plumber too?)
What do you do if your camper wets the bed?
Ask an adult or staff for help and redirect teasing from other campers?
Why should you observe how much your campers are eating and drinking?
What is dehydration, low blood sugar, general stress of your camper?
What animal is associated with the Character Counts Pillar of Citizenship at Camp?
What is an Eagle?
Cell Phones for counselors
What is morning alarms, after lights out and emergency use only?