What was Amber's first job?
Receptionist at a flooring store
Where will their honeymoon be?
Cape Town, Africa
What zodiac sign is Andre?
What is their birthday tradtion?
Birthday doughnuts for breakfast
What is Caroline's least love language?
How did Amber propose to Caroline?
At a tree farm
What date is their wedding?
What zodiac sign is Oreo?
What is the couple Easter tradition?
What is Amber's least love language?
Words of Affirmation
What sport did Caroline participate in growing up?
Where did they go on their first date?
The Pancake House
What zodiac is Lionel?
What is Andre's elf name?
Q Tip holder , because it showed Amber how much Caroline notices things that Amber does.
What musical instrument did Caroline learn to play?
1 year
Amber had a sloth badge reel and Caroline asked Amber what the sloth name was and on a whim the name 'Lionel' popped into Amber head. It was a running joke until one day they decided if they got a dog they would name him Lionel.
What is the tradition they do on a specific day of the week , every week?
Pizza Wednesday
What are the traditional colors that follow in a Korean wedding?
Red - women
Blue - man
What musical instrument did Amber learn to play?
tenor saxophone
What is their favorite board game to play together?
What was Oreo's almost name?
What holiday is important in the Korean culture that Amber's family participates in every year?
New Years
How many days into Amber and Caroline talking did Caroline text one of her friends saying, 'I'm gonna marry this girl istg'
5 days