You Can Get Fired For That
I'm On My Way
About The Internet
Can I Have That?
This kind of toy is a lot of fun on hot days, but it's not allowed at camp because of its resemblance to the real version, which you can get fired for having.
What is a water gun?
This is the speed limit on the camp road.
What is 10 mph?
If a camper writes you a letter, to write back you must have it checked by one of these people.
What is an ACD?
This common, severe allergen and foods made with it are not allowed at camp.
What is a peanut?
This is the camp uniform for Candlelight Dinner and Council Fire.
What are blues & whites?
If you don't show up to work, you could be fired if you don't also do this.
What is call an ACD?
This gets locked at 10 p.m. every night.
What is the camp gate?
Staff are asked not to post anything online that is not CA, or to post references to Camp Sealth or this organization.
What is Camp Fire?
These might be cute, furry and cuddly, but the only ones allowed at camp are owned by the year-round staff.
What are pets?
If you let kids write on the walls in their cabin, it's called this, and you'll spend some time cleaning it up at the end of the summer.
What is graffiti?
Imposing push-ups as a consequence for kids is an example of this, which you can get fired for.
What is corporal punishment?
If you are running late coming back from time off, you should first notify this person.
What is the AOD?
Camp's internet is extremely limited; streaming video is allowed only on break days and at this other time.
What is after 8 p.m.?
If you keep one of these at camp, you may choose to leave it in the staff lounge, but you do so entirely at your own risk.
What is a computer/laptop (or tablet)?
in 2013, Camp Sealth changed its policy on these, not only allowing but requiring staff to have them at all times.
What are cell phones?
This nighttime activity involving flashlights was prohibited several years ago; it's an example of reckless and dangerous behavior that could get you fired.
What is star tripping?
If you have one of these at camp, you won't be able to keep it in main camp.
What is a car (or vehicle)?
You may take photos of this category of people for your own use, but they may never be distributed or posted online.
Who are campers?
Electronics that you keep at camp must be of this kind, meaning small and easily transported.
What is portable?
Camp activities are allowed on break days or time off; to do them you need permission from this person.
What is the ACD in charge (of that activity)?
Failing to supervise kids appropriately or neglecting them is considered this; it can get you fired.
What is endangerment or abuse?
These are the only two times that you can request a ride from the ACDs or year-round staff to or from camp.
What is at the beginning and end of your employment?
To protect camp's reputation and your own, you should use these settings on social media to limit who can see your online profile.
What are privacy settings?
This type of staff-owned item can be used at camp if an ACD gives you permission and it's checked for safety first.
What is sports equipment?
Staff may have these at camp on break days, but never overnight.
What are visitors?