Make it Rhyme!
Picking Targets
Escalator to Justice
A Famous Activist Said This
Like Survivor, Big Brother, American Idol -- make it reality!

You're going to protest against horse racing. You're in charge of a catchy sign slogan. What you got?



The library is being harassed by members of Moms for Liberty! We are going to start a campaign to stop this nonsense. Who is a person we can target with a campaign?

A specific leader in the organization or a local politician

Local schools allow trans kids to use the bathroom on a case-by-case basis. The principals of each school are apparently the ones deciding on access despite the county having protections buried somewhere in their regulations. We want to do a campaign in which we target the superintendent with escalating disruptive actions with the goal of making him require the protections be published in the handbooks of each school in the county. Come up with a low, mid, and high disruption action as part of this campaign. 

Hmmm. Yes...that could work...


who said, “For the master's tool will never dismantle the master's house"

Audre Lorde


We say that we want to distribute stickers that make it clear the Moms for Liberty is a Hate Group. How would we ACTUALLY do that?

Oh cool. Thanks Shawn!

We need an original chant for this weekend's protest against gerrymandering!

You probably did great


The Board of Education's monthly meeting is being swamped by slews of angry citizens spewing anti-trans rhetoric. We're worried that the Board is going to buckle under the pressure of this mob. We are going to do a campaign to make sure that doesn't happen. Who is a good target for our campaign?

Leader of the mob or member of the Board


We know that Senator Carden Summers is going to propose some very stupid bills on behalf of Frontline next year. We also know that the rate of affairs is something like "more than 20% of married men in the US have had an affair within the last year." Can you use these two facts to come with a viable disruptive action that could pressure Senator Summers to take a break from proposing these bills next year?

Hmmm...that'd work!


who said, “Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.”

James Baldwin


We say that we want to spread misinformation to the Hate Group called Moms for Liberty so that they begin paranoid infighting with each other. But how do we ACTUALLY do that?

Okay, cool. Let's write that down for a possible action. 


We're going to a protest in support of funding for public schools. We were supposed to have a sign done up by a six year old, but we forgot because we were VERY busy. You have to do the sign that looks like it's by a six year old!

Yay! You did kindergarten level work!


Georgia proposes another aggressive round of gerrymandering that is going to make Athens' voting results appear even more red despite being staunchly blue. We want to do a campaign to stop this aggressive gerrymandering from going forward. Who is a good target?

The legislator who proposed the bill or a legislator who supports the bill and has some vulnerability or the governor to veto the bill


The Hate Group called Moms for Liberty has been visiting libraries in Occonee County to flip displays and stare at librarians. We don't want that to happen, so we're doing a campaign to get a specific official with the Occonee County government to condemn Hate Groups including Moms for Liberty. Propose a low, mid, and high disruptive action for this campaign. 

That's so brilliant it just might work...


who said, “I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere."

Maya Angelou


We say that we want to occupy the bathrooms in City Hall in order to stress the importance of bathroom access for trans students in public schools in Athens and pressure the superintendent to act. But how do we ACTUALLY do that? (think about logistics and consequences and how to deal with those consequences)

Cool. File it with possible actions!


do a haiku that helps us stop anti-trans legislation when published in the flagpole


You did it!


A local bigot has riled up a group of wayward angry people to protest the Pride parade. We want the Pride parade to happen. Who is a good target?

Trick question! This is small beans -- probably five guys with weak megaphones -- we can blot them out with sheets. We don't need a whole campaign for every bit of nonsense. yolo. 


You notice that there are certain parts of Athens with a lot of sidewalks and also now a Firefly Trail. Sometimes, you can pick between three sidewalks on each side of the road! But in certain areas, especially in lower income areas, there is no sidewalk at all. The government is planning to expand the Firefly Trail project through affluent areas, but we think that priority should be given to low income areas where residents are more likely to commute on foot. We want to do a campaign to help make this happen. Choose a target and propose three escalating disruptive actions to make this happen. 

That's how you do it!


who said, "Let future generations say we were the ones who stood up. Let them say we were the first to live in a world where all girls can learn and lead without fear.”

Malala Yousafzai


We say that we want a member of the Oconnee Government to make a public comment against the influence of Hate Groups in the county. Then, we're going to pair that with documents that make it clear that Moms for Liberty is a hate group. We come up with the low-disruption action of protesting outside the next county board meeting. But how do we ACTUALLY do that?

File it! Protests aren't disruptive, but they can activate allies and turn public opinion, so it's nice to know how to get one together and execute. 


We're doing a campaign to call out state legislators in Georgia who propose anti-trans legislation. But any campaign is only as strong as its name/slogan. What's a good campaign name/slogan for this kind of campaign?

Great job!

The United States Presidential Election is most likely going to be between two former presidents who no one really likes (except for some people who REALLY like one of them). The incumbent president is making decisions that alienate much of his base, but the media covers the bases' grievances as being about the candidate's age instead of the issues. We want to do a campaign to fix at least some of this nonsense. Who is a possible target and why?

The president, a reporter at a news outlet who is misconstruing the story, a leading member of the DNC who might could put pressure on a party shift if a convention happens this year (which might not cuz remember 1968?) 


SB 140 passed in 2023, restricting access to hrt for some minors in Georgia. The circuit court found that such bans were constitutional, so the law stands in Georgia for now. But we want trans youth in Georgia to have access to medication they need. Create a campaign to make this happen by identifying a target and desired action followed by three escalating disruptive actions. 

Why haven't we done this yet?


who said, "The children almost broken by the world become the adults most likely to change it.”

Frank Warren (i'm surprised if anyone got this -- I just really liked the quote and wanted to show it to you all)


Trans kids in Georgia are technically not supposed to play sports on the right team. However, enforcement of this rule is spotty and it seems like trans athletes either don't exist or participate undetected. We'd love for trans kids to not be technically banned, but if we bring up this issue, we could spotlight the issue and jeopardize the trans athletes enjoying the lack of attention. What should we ACTUALLY do?

We should fight -- they chisel rights away and move the overton window and we keep letting it happen with shocked pikachu faces. I don't care much about sports, but I care that trans kids have rights, and if we accept "lack of enforcement of certain laws" as a win, then we aren't going to make things better. Or maybe whatever idk nbd.