FEC Regulations
Contributions and expenditures
Public Financing

The agency overseeing the enforcement of campaign finance laws

What is the Federal Election Commission


In 1974, the act established limits on individual contributions to federal campaigns

What is the Federal Election Campaign Act


This type of political committee can accept unlimited amounts of independent political funds but can't be in cahoots directly with the candidate

what is Super PAC


This type of contribution is considered illegal if it is made directly by a certain group to a candidate or political party due to concerns about influence.

What is a corporate or union contribution


This type of public financing availible in some states, matches small donations from the public with state funds to encourage support for candiates

what is matching funds


The FEC does not regulate these types of political spending

What is Dark Money


These organizations can engage in political activities without disclosing their donors as long as politics is not their primary purpose.

What are Social welfare organizations


These PACs are neutral with candidates but work to influence legislation and public policy

What are issue PACs

This term refers to the unregulated contributions that people can make to political parties or activities, not directly for candidates

What is soft money 


This form of financing is used when a candidate agrees to not take private fundraising in exchange for government funding but they are under strict spending limits

What is full public financing

In 2010, this Supreme Court decision allowed unlimited contributions from corporations and unions 

What is Citizens V FEC


This provision of campaign finance law requires political advertisements to say who paid for the ad and whether it was authorised or not

What is the disclaimer requirement


This is the primary goal of a PAC

what is shaping public policy 

(also accepts what is influencing elections)


This type of contribution is stricly limited by law, with caps in place

What is Hard money


This program provides federal funds to certain presidential candidates who agree to limit their campaign spending

What is the presidential election campaign fund


This is the maximum amount an individual can contribute to a federal candidate in a single election phase

what is 3,300

This 2002 law was designed to address the issue of soft money by banning unregulated contributions to political parties

what is the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) 


This type of PAC is often created by people who pool their money to donate to candidates, regardless of their employment or affiliation

What is a non-connected PAC


This term describes the total amount of money a person can give to all federal candidates, political parties, and PACs combined during a two year election cycle

What is aggregate contribution limit


This state offers candidates public funds for legislative elections if they agree to limit private fundraising

What is Maine


The FEC enforces PAC which prohibits individuals and organizations from giving more than this amount annually to these political entities

What is $5000

158 extra points if you for some reason guessed in pesos which is: What is M$100,582.85


In 2014, this Supreme Court Ruling loosened restrictions on individual contributions to candidates and political parties, as it was declared unconstitutional.

What is McCutcheon V FEC


These types of PACs are created by organizations such as labor unions and are typically used to raise money from their members to influence elections

What is a separate segregated fund (SSF)

In addition to monetary contributions, this type of donation involves the donation of goods or services to a political campagin

What is an in-kind contribution


This 1976 Supreme Court case ruled that spending money in elections is a form of free speech (allowing for unlimited spending by individuals in support of political things)

What is Buckley v. Valeo