For the 2014-15 school year, what is the kindergarten cumulative folder color?
If an employees is only going to take a 30 minute lunch break and lives across the street, do they need to clock out to go home for lunch?
yes, anytime an employee leaves the work site for any other reason than assigned work duties, they must clock out.
What is the maximum gratuity allowed under any circumstances?
What is the maximum amount allowed for employee recognition or gifts?
3 team members with 3 boys.
Who is Luke Walkington, Sheree Worcester and Pat Carroll?
When you receive a records request from another Wyoming public school, the school must have those records in how many days?
5 days
If an employee calls you because s/he is going to be late for work and ask you to clock them in, can you?
No, performing time clock operations on behalf of another employee is strictly forbidden.
How many budget codes are used when a teacher, an aide, and a principal travel together?
Would buying T-shirts for students for the 6th grade track meet be considered recognition?
No, they are supplies
A baker, my former profession at Deerfield's bakery.
Who is Hector Mendosa?
Do the same rules apply to answering records request in the summer as they do during the school year?
Where can you go in Time Clock Manager to see if all employees have clocked out for the previous week?
Who's Here - Clocked In - Sort by Date In
When using a personal vehicle for travel and requesting reimbursement for gas, when do you fill up with gas?
Before you leave (at your cost), when you return, and at any other time during your trip, but before you run out! Remember your receipts.
How many years does a staff member have to be employed to earn "end of service" recognition?
20 years
Smiles the most throughout the day.
Who is Adam Tokarski?
When sending files to ESC, do you send cumulative file, medical file, and additional files separately or together?
Always together, never separate
When checking time for the previous week, is it important to double check the job code that the employee clock in for?
Yes, if the employee choses the wrong job code, they will be paid at the rate and with the budget code of the job they clocked into instead of the job code they should have.
What function and program code is used for ESP employee travel?
The ones that match the employees salary code
How much is allowed for the "end of service" gift from all district sources?
This person said this quote, "I've seen 6 security supervisors in my time and I've survived them all."
Who is Neil Weitland?
In the student cumulative folder, are the documents filed current to oldest, or oldest to current?
Current year first, then preceding years to follow (12, 11, 10, etc)
When adding a time sheet entry for 2 hours and 15 minutes - which one is correct: 2:25, or 2.25
2.25 is correct. Remember, time needs to be entered to the nearest quarter hour.
Who is responsible to know and follow the district travel guidelines?
Everyone traveling, but especially those using the p-card.
Can gift cards be purchased for recognition from the following vendors: Prime Rib, Starbucks, or Universal Athletics?
No…unless you can get a certificate for a specific item. i.e. meal excluding alcohol, coffee, t-shirt