Planning Overview
Make sure to tell someone where you're ___and when you expect to ___.
What is going , and return
A cell phone is useful when camping in ____regions, but don't rely on it too ____ for safety since cell phone reception may not be available in less-populated areas.
What is remote, heavily
Your comfort in the outdoors will be greatly increased by packing a backpacking ___, backpacking ____, utensils and lightweight ___ such as nuts, nut butter, cheese, dried fruits, quick-cooking pasta, foods in foil-pouches, dehydrated meals, oil, seasonings and tea or coffee.
What is stove, cookware, foods
Before embarking on an extended outdoor adventure you should learn basic first aid as well how to build a ___, make a ____ and find ____.
What is fire, shelter, water
Pack appropriate clothing for the ___and ____, and bring extra ____ and extra socks.
What is climate, season, layers
Give this person a _____marked with your ___, and stick to your plan as best you can.
What is map, and route
A minimal survival kit should contain ____ purification tablets; knife; lighter; ____ matches in a sealed container; ____kit; lightweight high-calorie food or powdered drinks; and a plastic bag.
What is water, wooden, first aid
Small _____ containers are available in ____stores.
What is lightweight, outdoor
Knowing these things will help you address your most basic survival needs: ____ and ____.
What is warmth and water
____ is generally a poor choice; it gets cold and ____when wet and takes a long time to dry.
What is cotton, clammy
This will increase your chances of being found quickly if you do get ____ or ___.
What is lost and hurt
In an emergency situation, a ___ ____ can be used to collect rainwater or dew from leaves.
What is plastic bag
Plastic ____ ____also work well for many items.
What is storage bags
You can survive months without ____, but without ___ you can die in as little as ___ days.
What is food, water, 3 days
Instead, choose ____or synthetic ___such as polyester, nylon or polypropylene.
What is wool, fabrics
The right ____for the geography is important, but you must also know how to use the items you_____.
What is gear,pack
Other items that may come in handy include a ____ ___ or headlamp, batteries, rope, duct tape, safety pins, whistle, flares, extra ____, maps, compass, bright tape, a signaling mirror, playing cards, a map of the area, pen and pencil, and a book or notebook.
What is Flash light, socks
If you choose to truly rough it by ____, hunting and ____, be sure of your skills in the environment you plan to visit.
What is fishing, gathering
A ___climate can kill you in as little as ___ hours.
What is cold, 3
If you will be doing a lot of ____, it is important to choose quality hiking boots to protect your feet and give you added ____ on rugged ___.
What is hiking, stability, terrain
When making your survival-camping checklist, remember to include what you ____ to learn along with what you will need to __.
What is need, bring
All the items you bring should satisfy needs of ____, _____, _____, food, signaling and mental well-being.
What is warmth, shelter, and water
Your comfort in the outdoors will be greatly increased by packing a backpacking stove, backpacking cookware, utensils and lightweight foods such as ____, nut butter, ___, ___fruits, quick-cooking pasta, foods in foil-pouches, dehydrated meals, oil, seasonings and tea or coffee
What is nuts, cheese, dried fruits
Always know what _____ you are most likely to encounter based on your trip plans. Keep in mind that even in bear country dehydration, hypothermia or a sprained ankle are much more common than an ____ ___. Know how to ____ and treat these problems.
What is dangers, animal attack, prevent
You may also want to pack a pair of _____sandals for ____at your campsite, for swimming in rivers or lakes and for _____ _____.
What is sturdy, lounging, crossing streams