Campfire Safety
(multiple choice)
Leave no trace
Respecting other campers
Hiking Etiquette
  • A campfire can be constructed:

    • a. When wind and weather are a problem

    • b. Against a large rock

    • c. Above tree line

    • d. None of the above

d. None of the above (rocks will be blackened and weather-sensitive environments should always be considered)


What do you have to 'pack out?'

Everything you brought with you, and litter you found that other people left behind.


After lights out you should:

a: Sleep or be very quiet

b: Play loud music

c: Turn on all your lanterns

d: Chat with your friends in the other tents

a: Sleep or be very quiet


If I'm going to a new trail want to take my dog with me I should...

a. Take my dog but leave his leash at home, he's well trained.

b. Take my dog on his leash, but leave the doggy bags at home. I don't want to take care of that!

c. Double check that I can take my dog on a leash and bring doggy bags just in case.

d. Bring my dog's leash and bags but don't bother checking to see if it's a dog friendly trail.

c. Double check that I can take my dog on a leash and bring doggy bags just in case.


What's the best thing to drink when hiking?

a. Soda

b. Juice

c. Water

d. Chocolate milk

c. Water

  •  Which of the following should you not have ready before starting a fire?

    • a. Trowel or shovel

    • b. Water

    • c. Supply of dry wood broken in proper lengths

    • d. Wood gathered from a wide area

c. Supply of dry wood broken in proper lengths (wood should not be broken into smaller pieces until fed into the fire so that any remaining pieces can be returned to the forest floor, the way they were found)


The Leave No Trace motto is this "__________"

"Take only photographs, leave only footprints"


You should behave in this way when traveling in campground areas.

Travel quietly, especially at night.


When hiking you should...

a. Pick a few wildflowers to take home.

b. Go off the trail to avoid puddles or roots.

c. Cut through the forest for a shortcut.

d. Stay on the trail.

d. Stay on the trail. If you step off the trail or cut through the woods others might do the same and destroy the surrounding landscape.


What gear should you take when camping? (Name 5)

A tent, a rainfly, sleeping bags, extra blankets, a mess kit, a lighter or other fire-starter, first aid kit, etc.

  • Which of the following will have the most impact on wildlife?

    • a. Burning food or trash 

    • b. Using existing fire ring

    • c. Using downed, dry wood

    • d. Singing around the campfire

a. Burning food or trash (burning food can attract animals)


Where does Leave No Trace apply?

Everywhere, not just camping and hiking.


You should always respect what manmade things?

Private property, signs, and gates, etc.


What are some things you should keep in mind before hiking?

The weather, the capabilities of your group, provisions if it's a long trail, etc.


What are some things you should take on a hike? (Name 3)

Water, a snack, a hiking stick, a friend, hiking boots, a whistle, etc.

  • The best surface to place a fire pan is on:

    • a. Rocks

    • b. Sand

    • c. Inorganic Soils

    • d. Any of the above 

d. Any of the above (any will have minimal impact)


If you see a pop can on the ground, you should:

a. Leave it there for someone else to pick up

b. Throw it away or recycle if possible

c. Leave it in your friend's tent as a surprise

d. Throw it in the fire

b. Throw it away or recycle if possible


Light prevents campers from seeing these:

The stars.


Should you wear camouflage clothes or bright clothes when hiking?

Bright clothes. Wearing bright colors will help other hikers see you.


True or False: If you see a wild animal you should stay away from it.

True, while they may look cute, wild animals can be dangerous.

  • Which campfire has the most impact? Least?

    • a. Mound fire

    • b. Fire pan

    • c. Candle

    • d. Existing fire ring

Most: d. Existing fire ring
Least: c. Candle


Only gather these materials from a tree for kindling wood.

Dead sticks and twigs.


True or False: Light pollution can be bad to the environment.

True. Light pollution has a disruptive effect on natural cycles and makes the observation of stars and planets difficult or impossible.


What is the order of importance for 'Right of Way?'

Horseback riders<Bikers<Groups<Hikers


Challenge Question: How far away from natural water sources should you set up camp?
