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found throughout the united states except Alaska, Hawaii, and parts of the West Coast. Poison ivy grow as a vine or small shrub trailing along the ground or climbing on low plants trees and poles. Each leaf has three glossy leaflets, with smooth or toothed edges. leaves are reddish in spring green in summer and yellow, orange, or red in fall. May have greenish-white flowers and whitish-yellow berries
Found throughout the United States except Alaska, Hawaii, and parts of the West Coast. Poison ivy grows as a vine or small shrub trailing along the ground or climbing on low plants, trees and poles. Each leaf has three glossy leaflets, with smooth or toothed edges. Leaves are reddish in spring, green in summer, and yellow, orange, or red in fall. May have greenish-white flowers and whitish-yellow berries.
I come out at dusk and hunt insects using sonar, what am I?
What is a bat
What is the chemical in plants that make them green?
At what temperature does water freeze?
30* F or 0* C
Ipswich River offers more than 12 mile of trails that invite you to explore the forests meadows and wetlands A drumlin and esker, key landscape features, were formed by a glacier 15000 years ago. boulders stacked to create arch and a grotto setting, constructed in 1905, provide an adventurous walk along the rockery Trail.
Ipswich River offers more than 12 miles of trails that invite you to explore the forests, meadows, and wetlands. A drumlin and esker, key landscape features, were formed by a glacier 15,000 years ago. Boulders stacked to create arches and a grotto setting, constructed in 1905, provide an adventurous walk along the Rockery Trail.
I am also known as a mosquito hawk, what am I?
What is a Dragon fly
What is the largest rodent we may encounter tomorrow?
What is a beaver
What kind of tree do people make syrup out of?
What is the maple tree
Nature delivers a full-on sensory experience, and is a great way to spend quality time together. It may take only one meteor bolting across the sky to persuade any young adventurer-in-the-making that camping is cool. Many things are learned and experienced for the first time during a child’s first camping trip. Camping can be a wonderful adventure. Just think – the birds and animals, the plants and trees, the rocks, the streams and ponds, the insects, the sounds, the weather, the wildflowers, and the many activities that can provide so much excitement. The possibilities are endless!
Nature delivers a full-on sensory experience, and is a great way to spend quality time together. It may take only one meteor bolting across the sky to persuade any young adventurer-in-the-making that camping is cool. Many things are learned and experienced for the first time during a child’s first camping trip. Camping can be a wonderful adventure. Just think – the birds and animals, the plants and trees, the rocks, the streams and ponds, the insects, the sounds, the weather, the wildflowers, and the many activities that can provide so much excitement. The possibilities are endless!
Nymphs grow in stagnant water before becoming these blood sucking pests
What are mosquitos
How many different types of ticks are there in the world?
I am produced when static charge builds up in clouds...
What is lightning
the people whom first lives in north america can be called "American Indians," "Native Americans" 
and "First Nations People" It is not correct to use the terms such as "Red Indian" or "Redskin," 
because this name origin referred to a specific tribe, the beothuks, who paint there 
body and faces with red ochre.
The people who first lived in North America can be called "American Indians," "Native Americans," and "First Nations People". It is not correct to use the terms such as "Red Indian" or "Redskin," because this name originally referred to a specific tribe, the Beothuks, who painted their bodies and faces with red ochre.
I am the only mammal that lays eggs?
What is the duck billed platypus
What are the top three kids of bears in New England?
What is Black bear, brown bear and grizzly bear
What is the highest temperature that has ever been recorded in Antarctica.
What is 14.6 °C (59 °F), recorded on January 5, 1974
Tropical cyclon (often referred to as hurricanes or typhoons) feature strongest winds driving rains rough seas and areas of low atmospheric pressured They frequently form in tropical areas of the globe and can do considerable damage to populated areas. Examples of this include the 1970 Bhola cyclone, Typhoon Nina which hit China in 1975 and more recently in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina whas cause great devastation and lost of life when it hits southern parts of the usa
Tropical cyclones (often referred to as hurricanes or typhoons) feature strong winds, driving rain, rough seas and areas of low atmospheric pressure. They frequently form in tropical areas of the globe and can do considerable damage to populated areas. Examples of this include the 1970 Bhola cyclone, Typhoon Nina which hit China in 1975 and more recently in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina which caused great devastation and loss of life when it hit southern parts of the USA.
Red markings on my back that looks like a violin let you know I'm dangerous, what am I?
What is a black widow (baby)!!!
I drop acorns on your head, what kind of tree am I?
What is an Oak tree
What is a group or butterflies called? Bonus-what is a group of unicorns called?
What is a flutter Bonus: A blessing