Nemo and Marlin
Finding Nemo
You might be called this animal
If someone thinks that you’re afraid
This is something that you might eat
As well as its eggs that it laid
Which animal am I?
In the game of Sorry!, how many pawns does each player have?
How many cents is a quater?
Inside Out
With my pointy ears, I like to jump around in the grass. Around springtime, I’m full of sass! Whether white or brown. Some believe I bring a basket when I come to town. What am I?
How much water is 'Watermelon' made out of:
a.) 25% b.) 55% c.) 78% d.) 92%
d.) 92% water
In the game of Apples to Apples, what color cards represent the nouns or phrases that players must match to the green cards?
Red Cards
What fruit do raisins come from?
Peter Pan & Wendy
When in water, I use my flippers to glide and on snow, on my belly I’ll slide. What am I?
In Battleship, how many ships does each player have?
What are the names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo
Chip, Dale, Gadget, Zipper, and Monterey Jack
Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers
Without me Thanksgiving and Christmas are incomplete, when I’m on the table everyone tends to overeat. What am I?
True or False:
When talking about plants, melons fall under the category of berries.
If a checkers piece reaches one of the squares on the far end of the board, what does it become?
What 3 colors are the primary colors?
Red, Yellow, and Blue
Buzz, Sox, Izzy Hawthorne, Mo Morrison, and Darby Steel
I have no legs so I crawl on my belly. I sleep with my eyes open and curl into a ring. But, don’t disturb me because I have a lethal sting. What am I?
In Chess, which piece can only move diagonally?
The Bishop
What famous ship sank in 1912 after hitting an iceberg?
The Titanic
The Iron Giant & Hogarth
The Iron Giant
I’m one of the most beautiful birds you’ll find with two eyes in front and hundreds behind. What am I?
True or False;
California grows most of the honeydews sold in the United States.
In Monopoly, what is the name of the most expensive property?
How many Star Wars movies are there? (counting them all)
11; I-IX, Solo, and Rogue One
Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather
Sleeping Beauty
I have no sword, I have no spear, yet rule a horde which many fear, my soldiers fight with a wicked sting, I rule with might, yet am no king. What am I?
Queen Bee
True or False;
Melons are related to squash and cucumubers.
In the game 'Scrabble' which two letters are worth 10 points?
Q and Z
Where was Christopher Columbus born?