General Campus Safety
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Residence Hall / Apartment Safety
Rideshare / Transportation Safety

These items are located across campus to be used to call the Police in case of an emergency.

What are the Blue Emergency Call Boxes?


This is the most widely used drug on college campuses.

What is Alcohol?


Students should always do this when they leave their room, even to just go to the bathroom.

What is lock your door?

What campus service should use to get back on campus after going to a football game?

What is Campus Shuttles?


These are the majority of crimes that occur in the Columbia community and on the Columbia campus

What are property crimes. (car break-ins, theft of books, electronics, and other personal belongings)?


What are 2 of the top 5 substances used on campuses other than alcohol?

What is Tobacco, Marijuana, club/designer drugs, amphetamines?


You walk into your residence hall late at night, and find the front door propped open with a rock. What do you do?

What is Remove the rock, contact the RA on duty


What is the name of the app to look for the campus bus shuttle schedule?

What is Transloc?


What are two things you should do when meeting someone physically for the 1st time after meeting online?

Meet during daylight, meet in public, limit the amount of personal information you share, tell a friend or family member, share your location with someone, share the person's name with someone


What percentage of first year students drink alcohol?

What is 47%?


You are on your floor's lounge & see someone get out off the elevator in a hood and start banging on all the doors. What do you do?

What is contact the RA, Call USC-PD, Go to your room, Tell your floors GroupMe about the situation.


What should you do before getting in an Uber?

What is Ask "What's my name?", Match the car and license plate, Inform someone else of where you are and who's driving you.


What is the campus safety phone app called?

What is RAVE GUARDIAN APP/ Campus Safe


What is one symptom someone experiencing an overdose of alcohol might show?

What is 1.Cold, Clammy, Pale Skin 2. Unconscious 3. Puking repeatedly 4. Slow or irregular breathing


Students should always be aware of where these items are located in case of a fire in the building?

What are the emergency exits?


What service could I use to get from one side of campus to the other in the middle of the night?