What Is my favorite meme gun
Infantry Rife
what is my favorite food to put barbeque on
When was the last time the Steelers won the super bowl
How much does It cost to change your name
What was his new video today
Season 9 memes
My favorite sweat weapon
Tactical SMG or gold pump
What do I put on my hamburger
Who is my favorite NFL player
JuJu Smith Schuster
What is my second favorite xbox game
NBA2k 19
What is his hair color
What is my favorite fortnite skin
The Maki Master
What do I put on my taco
Cheese, Lettuce
What is my second favorite NFL team
Kansas City Chiefs
What game am I thinking of. Hint (the first word of the name is the gay pride flag)
Rainbow Six Siege
Who does he always want to beat In everything (actual name)
What is my favorite pickaxe
The Candy Axe
What is my least favorite fast food resturant
Burger King
What is the giants new quarterback name
Daniel Jones
When did I get my xbox
Who does he always play with
What is my favorite back bling
Shattered Wing
What is my favorite nice dinner food
Who is my favorite soccer player
Paul Pogba
What was aidans name before PhaZe AID4N
Drum Gun