Correct option
Scramble sentences
Fill in the blanks with the information in the parenthesis.
Correct yes-no questions

Is this sentence correct? 

A) She can to play now. B) She cans play now. C) She can now. D) She can play now.

Letter  D) She can play now. 


Beach we the today can visit.

We can visit the beach today.


I ____________ (sing/not/can) beautifully

I can't sing beautifully.


Can they speak English? A) Yes, they can't. B) No, they can. C) No, they can't.

C) No, they can't.


Choose the correct option. 

A) He cans speak English. B)He can to speak English C) He can speak English. D) He can English.

C) He can speak English. 


Can't dance he well.

He can't dance well.


She ____________ (can/play) the piano with great skill.

She can play the piano with great skill.


Can he talk to me? A) Yes can. B) No, cannot. C) No, he can. D) Yes, he can.

 D) Yes, he can.


A) You can't go there. B) You can't to go there. C) You can'ts go there. D) You can't there. 

A) You can't go there.


Can my amazingly draw sister.

My sister can draw amazingly.


We ____________(go/can) to the beach on Saturday if the weather is nice.

We can go to the beach on Saturday if the weather is nice.


Can we go home, please? A) Yes we can. B) No we can't. C)Yes, we can. D) No, we can. 

C)Yes, we can.


A)I can to play the guitar. B)I can the guitar. C)I can plays the guitar. D)I can play the guitar.

D)I can play the guitar.


Can't to the concert I go.

 I can't go to the concert.


The cat ____________ (can/climb/not) trees easily.

The cat can't/cannot climb trees easily.


Can you go home? A) Yes, I can. B) No, I cant. C) No, I can. D) Yes, can. 

A) Yes, I can.


A) We cans finish early and go home. B) We can to finish early and go home. C) We can early and go home.D) We can finish early and go home.

D) We can finish early and go home.


Can't the puzzle they solve.

They can't solve the puzzle.


 My dog ____________ (perform/can) tricks like sit and shake hands.

My dog can perform tricks like sit and shake hands.


Can it be possible? A)Yes, it can't. B) No, it can. C) No, it can't. D) Yes, it cannot. 

C) No, it cannot.