Career Paths

I don't know what I want to do for a career. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes has information about the various industries in Minnesota to give you a glimpse into what those careers are like, including job title to consider for your job search. 



I am not comfortable talking about myself. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes we can review with you common interview questions to assist you with practicing how to answer the questions demonstrating your skills and experiences. We can even do mock interviews if you wanted practice. We also have workshops on interviewing and what to expect.


I know having a resume is needed to apply for many jobs, but my typing is not very good.  I would like to drop off my handwritten notes and have someone type them up.   Can CareerForce help me?

No we are unable to type a person’s resume for them, but we can direct you libraries that offer computer support or other computer classes.


I was out shopping and saw a help wanted sign at my favorite store. They asked me to fill out an application on the spot. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes, while we won’t be out shopping with you, we have Personal Data Record sheets that we can provide you where you can record information that will help you with remembering your work experience information that you can carry with you.


I know what work I have done before but that doesn't mean I want to do it forever... Can CareerForce help me?

Yes has online assessment tools to assist you with determining what career match you interests, skills, and employment  readiness.


It is 2:00 am and I have an interview tomorrow at 10:00am.  I don't feel ready for it. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes has recording of past virtual workshops on numerous topics that you can watch at anytime, even 2am.  


I have a great resume and I have applied to many jobs, but I am not getting interviews. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes we can do a personal resume review for you and offer tips on ways to enhance it.  To schedule a resume review you can register for a 1:1 job search appointment


I saw a job posting that requires the applicant be certified in CDL. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes we can assist you with finding training providers and also with exploring funding programs that may assist you.


I need a job that will provide enough money to meet my budget needs. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes You can learn about what the typical salary range is in a specific industry on  This information is current and from our State of Minnesota Labor Market Information


 I have an interview lined up for next week, but I am unsure I have the correct clothes to wear to an interview. Can CareerForce help me?

YES can help up you with determining what the typical dress code is for the type of company you are interviewing with.  We also can make referrals for Dress for Success, or Project for Pride in Living and others where work clothes may be able to be provided to you.


I have a great 4-page resume that I use for all of the positions I apply for. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes We can assist you with targeting your resume to the positions you are applying for.


I never know what salary to ask for on applications that require a salary range be listed. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes we can assist you with reviewing the Labor Market Information available from  That will assist you with determining a salary range to request


Today is the last day of the month, rent is due tomorrow, I am short on money to pay rent. Can CareerForce help me?

No, Sorry we do not provide funding or gift cards at Career Force.  We may  be able to suggest who to contact to see about day labor or temporary work opportunities if that would be helpful.  


I have practiced interviewing with a CareerForce staff and I really feel comfortable with them.  I think I could nail my  interview this week if that staff attended the interview with me. Can CareerForce help me?

No, sorry we cannot attend interviews with people.


I would like to attend a virtual workshop, but I don't have a computer. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes we have headsets that you can borrow and log into a Career Lab computer on to attend a virtual workshop.  We only have 5 computers though so they may be busy when you arrive. 


I don't have a computer, but I want to do a job search online. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes we have 5 computers in the Career Lab, but if they are busy when you arrive, you may have to wait.  We have 2-hour limit to use the CL computers.  You can also print off up to 20 pages per day.  


I am looking for a job that does not require a college degree. Can CareerForce help me?

Yes  CareerForce has a list of the top 30 jobs in demand updated in October 2023 that don't require a college degree with summary information for each job.


My schedule just opened up for this afternoon and I would like to stop by CareerForce to talk with someone, but all of their appointments are full for the day. Can CareerForce help me?

YES we are open for people to drop in and see us Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm.  We may be busy supporting others at the time, but if you are open to waiting we typically are able to meet with you.


I have my resume printed out and it is ready to be given to employers. Today I plan to drop off my resume at CareerForce so they can give it to employers.  Can CareerForce help me?

No, CareerForce does not share out job seekers resumes, but you can upload your resume to and employers can see it there.


I feel lost when trying to fill out applications online. I have heard that staff at CareerForce can submit applications for me. Can CareerForce help me?

No CareerForce staff cannot submit applications for you, but if you have a question on an application, we may be able to offer suggestions for how to answer it.