Can you See?
You Light up My life
Mirror , mirror on the wall

John and Justin are playing hide and seekat home. From the back ofa room, John says he can see Justin around the corner in the next room. Is Justin cheating, or can he see around the corner?

John is cheating. The light that hits Justin needs an unblocked straight path to John's eyes in order for him to see Justin. The corner blocks the straight path of light.


______________ allows the least amount of light to pass through it so that the smallest amount of light reaches the student's eyes.



How does the house in the picture make a shadow?

The shadow blocks the sunlight creating a shadow on the ground where no sunlight reaches. The light only reaches the area surrounding the shadow.


What amount of red, blue and green light is necessary to make black?

No amount of red, green, and blue light is needed to make black.


What happens to the light once it reaches the backpack?

Light bounces off the backpack in all directions.


Which of the following is one thing wrong with the shadow in the picture?

The shadow is not the correct shape.


A  green light and a red light mixed by shining them together on a white screen. 



Which of the following correctly describes how light reaches your eyes?

Some of the light traels from the backpack to your eye , allowing you to see.


The red pot will appear to be?



Which of the following statements is true about the results of the experiment with the mirror?

Almost all the light reaching the mirror from theflashlight is reflected toward position 3.


Why is the light on the screen brighter when both the red light and the green light shine on the screen?

Thelight on the screen is made of both red and green light, the more light that reaches our eyes the brighter the light appears, the light on the screen is reflecting more light to our eyes than just the green light.


Claim : The green plant will appear to be ?



Which of the following claims are true?

Air transmits all light, Sunglasses absorb most of the light that reaches them.


What needs to occur for you to see a tree through a window?

Light from the sun hits the tree. Some of the light that bounces off the tree reaches the window. Most of the light goes through the window. I see the tree as the light reaches my eyes.


What is the best explanation ofwhy  the road gets hotter than the sidewalk?

The road is a  darker color, so it absorbs more light . The more light an object absorbs, the hotter it will get.


Which plant will grow better, a green plant illuminated by green light or a green plant illuminated by red light?

The green plant illuminated by red light


Which of the following statements is true about the results of the experiment with the paper?

All  the light detector readings for the paper are relatively close together, the paper reflects a greater amount of light at position 1 thanthe mirror at position 1.


When white light shines on blue jeans, the jeans look blue. Why do the jeans look blue?

The jeans  reflect the blue part of the light and absorb most of the rest.