Reliable Collection
Genesis Review

The Bible is a reliable collection of _________________

Historical Documents


What does it mean for something to be falsifiable?

It. An be proven to be true or false.


Which of the following is an example of a specific prophecy:

A) You will experience an increase in communications and healings

B) In three years from today, you will go to the airport and meet an elderly woman, who will give you 350vt, which you will use to buy an ice cream cone for her grandson. 


The Bible is full of SPECIFIC, predictive prophecies like this one


Joseph is the son of 



What three continents was the Bible written in?

Asia, Africa, and Europe


Which statement is falsifiable? Why?

A) You can buy bread at Au Bon Marche

B) I had a dream about pizza and ponies last night

A) You can buy bread at Au Bon Marche

This statement can be proven to be true or false.

No one can prove whether or not I really had a dream about pizza and ponies. 


How long before the time of Jesus was Psalm 22 written?

1000 years before


Jacob is the son of



Which languages was the Bible written in? 

Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek


How do eyewitnesses during the time of the writings of the Bible make the Bible falsifiable? 

People living in the times when the Bible was written could deny the facts written in the Bible if they were not true. Instead, the writings of the Bible were considered true and accurate because there were many other people who also saw, heard and experienced those things. 


What does Psalm 22 perfectly predict?

The crucifixion of Jesus


Isaac is the son of



The Bible was written over a period of _________ years

1500 years


Why is it important that the Bible is falsifiable?

Because it means it can be shown to be true by more than just the Bible itself.

History and eyewitnesses all attest to the accuracy of the Bible. 


What does Isaiah 53 perfectly predict? 

The death of Jesus, and the reason why he would die.


God promised Abraham that through his offspring “all the nations of the earth would be blessed”

How did this happen? 

Through Jesus’ death and resurrection!

Jesus is a direct descendant of Abraham.


Why is it important that the Bible is a collection of historical documents, and not just a revelation or claim made by one person? 

The Bible can be tested over time, based on the times and places it was written. The fact that there are many authors and no contradictions points to the fact the God is the inspiration of the Bible. The Bible is historically true and accurate.


Why is it important that the Bible was written by eyewitnesses?

Because people wrote what they themselves actually saw, heard, and experienced. It wasn’t just some people having an idea and making up a cool story. 


How many predictive prophecies from the Old Testament did Jesus fulfill in his first coming? 

Over 300


Where is the coming of Jesus first promised in the Bible?

Genesis 3:15, right after the sin of Adam and Eve. 

“The seed of the woman” refers to the virgin birth, and how Jesus would crush the head of the serpent.