Blast Off
(Astronomy Questions)
(Astronomy Questions)
He’s more than just a “Queen” lyric – he was also an astronomer who argued that the Earth revolved around the sun.
What is the human body’s largest internal organ? By weight.
How many planets are there in our solar system?
8 (There used to be nine, but we kicked out Pluto).
Only about half the population contains these, the largest cell in the human body – its visible in the naked eye!
If you look up at the night sky and find 3 stars together in a straight line, you are looking at part of which constellation?
Orion, or Orian’s Belt
OMG, embarrassing: Humans are the only species known to do THIS.
What is the name of the famous comet that passes by the earth every 76 years?
Halley’s Comet