is canada a good place to live in?
What mountains are in canada?
Appalachain mountains
What is the top import in canada?
What is the smallest island in Canada called?
Prince Edward Island
What is the capital of Quebec?
Quebec City
What type of economy does Canada have?
Market economy
What is the biggest landform in canada?
Canadian Shield
What is the North America Free Trade Agreement short for?
What 2 languages do the people in New Brunswick speak
French and English
What is the capital of Onteario
What is canadas main economy
real estate, mining, and manufacturing
What province is home to the polar bears
What is one thing Canada trades
Cooking supplies
Which Native American lives in Nunavut
The Inuits
What is the capital of Saskatchewan
what is canadas #1 ecinomic industry?
Service sector
What are some favorited foods in canada?
Montréal-style bagels
What is one thing Canada trades?
What is one of the 4 newest provences of 2021 in the Atlantic land mass?
New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island
What is the capital of Manitoba
What is canadas most biggest export?
Crude Petroleum
What is the length of Canada
9,984,670 km2
What is a trading disadvavantege
High tariffs
What is Nova Scotia mean in Latin
New Scotland
What is the capital of British columbia?