The continent Canada is in
What is North America?
Languages taught in residential schools
What is English and French?
When Indigenous used the English language against English colonizers
What is Writing back?
Has beef with Kendrick Lamar
Who is Drake?
Capital of Canada
What is Ottawa?
The motive of residential schools
Unconsciously letting the colonizers ideas and beliefs affect you and become a part of your own character
What is Internalization?
Has made a popular Christmas song about a plant you kiss under
Who is Justin Bieber
Date of Canada day?
When is 1 of July?
Held the apology speech in 2008
Who is the prime minister?
- Stephen Harper
When a lower rank can have a voice
What is Subaltern agency?
Who is Celine Dion?
Population of Canada? +- 2 million
What is 40,1 million?
Year the last residential school closed
When is 1996?
The idea behind extending your own country by colonization or military forces
What is Imperialism?
Played Ken in the Barbie movie
Who is Ryan Gosling?
The % of the worlds maple sirup produced in Canada
What is 80%?
Amount of people who went to residential schools
What is more than 150.000?
First being colonized by colonists and then by the patriarchal society
What is Double colonization og women?
Actor who is known for his roles in The Grinch and The Trueman Show
Who is Jim Carrey?