Canadian Inventions
Famous Canadians
Provinces and Territories
Fun Facts!
Canadian Heroes

Canadian Charles Fenerty was the first person to make paper out of this material

What is Wood pulp. He made the first batch after his local paper mill ran out of cotton rags, which were previously used to make the stuff.


This lady became the first Female Prime Minister of Canada 

Who is Kim Campbell


Which is the only officially bilingual province in Canada?

What is New Brunswick


What year was the toonie introduced

What is 1996 

A Canadian man stole 75,000 vials of this vaccine in 1959 and sold them on the black market. 

Who is Jean Paul Robinson. The polio vaccine. The culprit was a vaccine clinic worker named Jean Paul Robinson, who sold the haul for $50,000.


This Scottish-Canadian inventor is responsible for global time zones and the 24-hour clock

Who is Sir Sandford Fleming. He also designed Canada’s first postage stamp and engineered much of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

This Canadian Celebrity has the highest net worth of all Canadians 

What is Celine Dion 


 Which Canadian Province is known for hosting the annual Stampede

What is Alberta 


How much of the world's maple syrup supply comes from Canada?

What is 80 - 85 % 


Canadian engineer Wally Floody was the principal architect of the real-life tunnels that inspired this classic 1963 war film.

The Great Escape. He helped orchestrate a POW breakout from Poland’s Stalag Luft 3 in 1944. In the movie, Charles Bronson played a character based on him


Which sport was invented by a Canadian in 1891?

What is Basketball


A Canadian pharmacist invented this spreadable

Who is Marcellus Gilmore Edson, who patented a method to turn roasted peanuts into peanut butter in 1884


This Province has a city that is considered the Slurpee capital of the world

What is Manitoba. The city of Winnipeg has an average of 188,000 frosty beverages are sold there each month—by far the most per capita in the world.


Which famous superhero was co-created by a Canadian

What is Superman


This Canadian Hero decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research

Who is Terry Fox. 


A group of Canadian experimental filmmakers invented this technology for Expo 67

 What is Imax. It took longer than they expected, though, and the first screening took place three years later at Expo 70 in Japan


This actor, who became famous playing a Scot on TV, was actually Canadian.

Who is James Doohan, a.k.a. Lieutenant Commander Scotty on Star Trek. He was born in Vancouver


The oldest surviving basketball court in the world resides in this province

 What is New Brunswick. The court, in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, was first used in 1893, and there are plans to turn it into a museum.


How many times zones are there in Canada?

What is 6 time Zones 


This Canadian co-founded a Foundation in 1990. In 1975, he helped launch and host the long-running CBC Radio's, Quirks and Quarks. In 1979, he became familiar to audiences around the world as host of CBC TV's The Nature of Things, which still airs new episodes.

Who is David Suzuki


Two Montreal journalists got together to play a game of Scrabble on Dec. 15, 1979. That evening, their usual conversation turned creative and within forty-five minutes they had an invented a new game. What was it called?

What is Trivial Pursuit 


This Canadian singer’s 1997 album Come on Over is the all-time bestselling record by a female artist.

Who is Shania Twain. It’s also the best-selling country album of all time


There are no roads leading to this territory

What is Nunavut. No roads connect its 25 communities, either. People get around via air and boat travel. 


This town set a record for the most extreme temperature change—from -19 Celsius to +22 Celsius in less than an hour.

What is Pincher Creek, Alberta, which experienced this momentous shift in January 1962 thanks to the chinook winds.


This Canadian proposed a UN peacekeeping force as means for easing the British and French out of Egypt during the Suez Crisis 

Who is Lester B Person. His plan was implemented and as a reward he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957