A loose confederation started in 1867
Dominion of Canada
1500's the first people to come to Canada
First Nations
Which was the last province to join Canada?
Which territory has the lowest recorded temperature?
True or false - the city of Winnipeg does not actually lie on the shores of Lake Winnipeg?
A political body that makes laws/rules
Mixing of French and First Nations People
What is the nickname of Canada?
The Great White North
Which country is Canada's largest trading partner?
True or false - armed military watercraft are not permitted on the Great Lakes?
True - due to an 1818 agreement between the British and the American Governments?
Legislature combining legislative and executive functions
60% of Canada's population live in these two provinces
Ontario and Quebec
In what year did Canada completely break away from Great Britain?
What is the largest city by area in Canada?
True or false - The Great Lakes provide drinking water for more than 40 million people?
Head of government, majority party leader
Prime Minister
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta make up
Prairie Provinces
What is the trophy called for the CFL? (Canadian Football League)
The Grey Cup
What is the total number of Great Lakes in Canada?
True or false - you can take a 10,500km road trip around the Great Lakes?
True - The Great Lakes Commission established the Circle Tour in 1988 as a scenic tourist drive around the five lakes and through the eight bordering states and Ontario, Canada. Just to navigate Lake Michigan’s 1450km Circle Tour alone would take approximately 14.5 hours without any stops.
Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland make up the
Atlantic Provinces
Vancouver is Canada's largest port located in this province
British Columbia
How many time zones exist in Canada?
What is the longest highway in Canada?
Trans-Canada Highway
What is the only lake in the Great Lakes Basin entirely within the borders of the United States?
Lake Michigan