Military Alliances
United Nations and Commonwealth
Humanitarian Efforts
Responses to International Conflicts
Post 9/11 Changes

Q: Canada is a founding member of this military alliance, established in 1949 to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.

A: What is NATO?


Q: Canada is an active member of this international organization that promotes peace, security, and cooperation among nations.

A: What is the United Nations?


Q: This specialized unit of the Canadian Armed Forces provides rapid disaster relief and humanitarian assistance globally.

A: What is the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)?


Q: Canada joined coalition forces in 1991 to liberate this country from Iraqi occupation.

A: What is Kuwait?


Q: After 9/11, Canada joined the U.S.-led coalition in this country to combat terrorism.

A: What is Afghanistan?


Q: This binational organization between Canada and the United States focuses on aerospace warning and control for North America.

A: What is NORAD?


Q: As a member of this organization, Canada promotes the French language and cultural diversity.

A: What is La Francophonie?


Q: Canada supports international criminal tribunals, including those for the former Yugoslavia and this African country.

A: What is Rwanda?


Q: The breakup of this country in the 1990s led to widespread conflict, with Canada participating in international peacekeeping missions.

A: What is Yugoslavia?


Q: Canada did not participate in the 2003 invasion of this country, reflecting its commitment to multilateralism.

A: What is Iraq?


Q: Canada has contributed troops and resources to NATO operations in this Central Asian country to combat terrorism.

A: What is Afghanistan?


Q: Canada led the international effort to ban anti-personnel landmines, resulting in this treaty.

A: What is the Ottawa Treaty?


Q: Canada provides significant humanitarian aid focusing on food security, health care, and this type of response.

A: What is emergency response?


Q: Canada participated in NATO’s military intervention in this region in 1999 to stop ethnic cleansing.

A: What is Kosovo?


Q: Post-9/11, Canada saw heightened security measures and new laws focused on this.

A: What is anti-terrorism?


Q: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established in this year.

A: What is 1949?


Q: This Canadian general led the UN mission during the Rwandan Genocide.

A: Who is Roméo Dallaire?


Q: Canada supports this international court that prosecutes individuals for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

A: What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?


Q: During the Rwandan Genocide, Canadian peacekeepers were part of this UN mission.

A: What is UNAMIR?


Q: This period after 9/11 raised concerns about the balance between security and these freedoms.

A: What are civil liberties?


Q: Canada participates in this joint military command structure with the United States to ensure continental security.

A: What is NORAD?


Q: Canada uses this platform to advocate for democracy, economic development, and education among its member countries.

A: What is the Commonwealth of Nations?


Q: This doctrine, strongly supported by Canada, holds that the international community must prevent and stop genocides and other atrocities.

A: What is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)?


Q: Canada’s involvement in this war influenced its defense policy and focus on multinational operations.

A: What is the Gulf War?


Q: In response to 9/11, Canada increased cooperation with security agencies of this country.

A: What is the United States?