Canada Post increased the number of part-time workers to work on weekends. What did this cause?
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers went on strike.
What holiday did the CUPW use to force pressure on Canada Post?
Christmas (December 25)
What is the name of the group of people protesting against Canada Post?
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Which communities in Canada have been most heavily affected by the postal strike?
Northern communities in Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut
What day did the Postal Strike start?
November 15, 2024
This stay-at-home mother from Destruction Bay, Yukon was forced to ration her medications.
Brenda Guthrie
Which jobs are most affected by the strike (aside from postal workers)
Small business owners who rely on shipping out online orders.
When did the Postal Strike end?
December 17, 2024
Joella Hogan