What does A in B.A.S.M.O.Q stand for?
What is Alberta?
What does "You" stand for?
What is Yukon?
What does NL (Never Leave) stand for?
What is Newfoundland and Labrador?
What is #9?
What is Nunavut?
What does the red on the Canada flag stand for?
What is war sacrifice?
What does B in B.A.S.M.O.Q stand for?
What is British Colombia?
What does "Never Want" stand for?
What is Northwest Territories?
What does "P" (Pizza) stand for?
What is Prince Edward Island?
What is #8?
What is Northwest Territories?
What does the white on the Canada flag stand for.
Wha does Q in B.A.S.M.O.Q stand for?
What is Quebec?
What does "Noodles" stand for?
What is Nunavut?
What does "NS" (Near Superman) stand for?
What is Nova Scotia?
What is #12?
What is Nova Scotia?
How many provinces dose Canada have?
What is 10?
What does M in B.A.S.M.O.Q stand for?
What is Manitoba?
Is "You Never Want Noodles" North, South, East, or West?
What is North?
What does NB (Nor Batman) stand for?
What is New Brunswick?
What is #13?
What is Prince Edward Island?
How many Territories dose Canada have?
What is 3?
What does S in B.A.S.M.O.Q stand for?
What is Saskatchewan?
Is "You Never Want Noodles" a province or a territory
What is Territory?
Is NL.P.NS.NB North, South, West, or East?
What is East?
What is Saskatchewan?
What continent is Canada in?
What is North America?