What is the federal union or joining of provinces and territories to become a country called? OR, what was it called when Canada became a country?
Who was the first Prime Minister and leader in Canada's confederation?
Sir John A. MacDonald
What are tariffs?
The extra fee put on foreign goods or services.
(any reasonable definition of tariffs are acceptable)
How many numbered treaties are there?
11 in total
Who was NOT consulted (asked for their opinion) on confederation?
The Indigenous peoples of North America were not consulted.
Who should have had a much larger part to play in Confederation, but was not given a chance?
Indigenous peoples of North America!!! (First Nations is also acceptable)
This is the act made by the British Crown, which acknowledges that the North American lands belong to Indigenous people, and that the British will protect these lands from new settlers coming in.
The Royal Proclamation of 1763
(Royal Proclamation is also OK)
Which were the first four provinces to become Canada?
Canada East (or Quebec), Canada West (or Ontario), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick
What years were the numbered treaties made between?
The treaties were made between 1871 and 1921
If the provinces are united, they have more troops and a stronger army to defend if the Americans attack again.
What were the 36 men who helped confederation happen called, collectively?
(collectively = as a group)
The Fathers of Confederation
This is an act made by the Canadian government to determine whether or not someone is First Nations.
Property is very expensive today, and many people buy it for investment or a place to live. What did Canada want more land for back in the 1800s? (at least two reasons)
- to get natural resources (for using and selling)
- for more housing and building cities
- for better trading routes
(any two reasons listed here)
Which two parties were all numbered treaties made between? In other words, which two groups signed each numbered treaty?
The Canadian government and different groups of Indigenous peoples were involved in each numbered treaty.
Why did Great Britain want Canada's confederation?
Britain didn't want to keep Canada as a colony anymore, because it wasn't worth their resources anymore. If Canada became independent, Britain would no longer have to look after them.
Name one Mother of Confederation and how they were related to a Father of Confederation. You must name both their relationship and the Father they were related to.
This is the act that was signed on July 1st, 1867, that declared Canada an independent country.
(British North America Act is also OK)
Today, which two of Canada's industries are most affected by the US tariffs?
1. Oil industry (90% of our oil is exported to the US)
2. Automotive industry (the biggest industry in Ontario)
What was Canada's motivation behind making all of these treaties?
They wanted more land out west, which was owned by different First Nations groups. These treaties were made so that the Canadian government could own that land.
Why would confederation help with building a railway across Canada?
Individually, each province did not have enough money and had trouble maintaining financial stability. Together, they would be able to better coordinate their efforts and money.
(must mention money/finance and why working together is better)
Name one Mother of Confederation and how they helped Confederation.
These are the names of two conferences that occurred without any First Nations representatives, to discuss the terms of confederation.
In other words, these two conferences were held to discuss how and why provinces should join to become Canada.
The Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences
(both must be mentioned)
Trump is putting tariffs on Canada to discourage trade between the US and Canada, and to encourage Americans to "buy local". What historical event was this similar to, and how did it encourage confederation?
In 1865 (date not necessary) the US cancelled a treaty (Reciprocity Treaty) which originally let the British colonies trade with Americans with very low taxes. This encouraged the British colonies to trade with each other instead, and was a driving factor for confederation.
(mention cancelling a treaty and trading within the colonies instead)
In each numbered treaty, different things were promised to each First Nations group. What were two things that First Nations people were promised in most treaties (and did not actually get)?
ANY TWO of the below:
- reserve lands (lands saved just for the First Nations people)
- rights to hunt, fish and trap on all lands
- various goods (food, tools, resources)
- financial help
- help with agriculture