Unit 1: Geographic Skills
Unit 2: Physical Geography
Unit 3: Canada's Industries
Unit 4: Populations and Demographics
Multiple choice

Name one thing you would find on a map.

compass, scale, legend/key, colour, symbols etc


Describe the difference between weather and climate.

Weather is the day to day (rain, sun, cloud).

Climate are the trends over time, seasonal changes, yearly warming or cooling. 


Name the main three sectors of industry.

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary


What is population density?

Population density is the amount of people per square KM. 


How many Canadian provinces do not have marine coastlines?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4 

b) 2


Name the four geographic perspectives.

Political, environmental, economic, and social


Name 2 tourist destinations in Canada. 

Banff national park, CN Tower, Quebec City, Calgary Stampede


Name two types of rates associated with population. 

birth rate, death rate, immigration rate, emigration rate.


Name two push factors and two pull factors. Must be different for each.

Pull: good education, job opportunities, stable government, access to healthcare etc.

Push: War, poor education, lack of jobs, cost of living, little access to healthcare etc.


Which of the following elements is not mined in Canada

a) Aluminum

b) Copper

c) Molybdenum

d) Zinc

a) Aluminum


Identify 3 types of maps.

Choropleth, thematic, topography, weather etc.


Name the three types of plate boundaries.

Convergent, divergent, transform


Define renewable and non renewable resources. Give an example of each. 

Renewable- continues to renew, clean energy, does not run out. Non-renewable- will run out when not used responsibly.

renewable- solar

nonrenewable- coal


What is sustainable architecture? Give Two examples.

Sustainable architecture are buildings designed with minimal impacts on the environment. Ex- plant wall to help with heating and cooling, sustainable materials, building around existing green space.


How many time zones does Canada have?

a) 6

b) 8

c) 10

d) 12

a) 6


What are the four types of interrelationships?

H-H, H-N, N-H, N-N


Choose a natural hazard and provide two environmental effects and two social effects.

Environmental: Answers may vary 

Social: Answers may vary


Name four of Canada's major industries.

Oil, logging, fishing, maple syrup etc.


Define UPWARD and OUTWARD growth.

upward- building taller buildings to house more people/businesses Ex- apartment buildings in a city core

outward- spreading outside of a city and developing over a large area of land. Ex- subdivisions


Which Canadian province does not adopt Daylight Saving Time

a) Newfoundland

b)New Brunswick

c) Manitoba

d) Saskatchewan

d) Saskatchewan


Topic Alberta Oil Sands. Describe an environmental perspective and an economic perspective.

Environmental: tailings ponds contaminate local water supplies affecting humans and ecosystems.

Economic: The oil sand productions are a huge income for Canada through the ability to export to countries around the world.


Name five of the 7 landform regions

Canadian Shield, Western Cordillera, Canadian Arctic, Appalachian Region, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowlands and the St. Lawrence Lowlands


What is a moratorium? Describe the 3 impacts of the Cod moratorium in Canada. 

A temporary ban/prohibition of something. 

-loss of jobs, decreased income to the east coast, lobster/crab industry takes off


Calculate the birth rate and the death rate using the following statistics. 

total population- 38 000 000

total births- 428 000

total deaths- 263 000

BR- 428 000/38 000 000 x 1000 = 11.26

DR- 263 000/38 000 000 x 1000 = 6.92


The border between Alberta and Saskatchewan follows which line of longitude

a) 49W




d) 110W