World War One
The Roaring Twenties
The Great Depression
World War Two
Who am I?
This controversial issue divided French and English Canada by drafting men to fight in the war.
What is Conscription?
This was an establishment where you could buy illegal booze during Prohibition.
What is a "Speakeasy"?
This new political party, run by J.S. Woodworth represented the Western Canadian farmers during the Depression.
What is the C.C.F. or the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation?
This law used during the war to reduce the individual rights of Canadians, especially 'enemy aliens' (someone living in Canada whose home country is at war with Canada).
What is the War Measures Act?
I was the Prime Minister of Canada during World War Two.
Who is William Lyon Mackenzie King?
This failed German military strategy was to take over France by easily marching through Belgium and then attacking Paris from behind.
What is the Schlieffen Plan?
This outrageously dressed young women shocked society because it went against traditionally conservative clothing and culture.
What is a flapper?
"Prosperity Certificates" that were worth $25 dollars were promised by William Aberhart, the leader of this new political party from Alberta.
What is the Social Credit Party?
This 9/11 type incident was the main reason the United States ended its policy of isolationism and entered the war.
What is Pearl Harbor?
This famous Canadian flying ace shot down 72 enemy planes during the war.
Who is Billy Bishop?
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy!
What is the Triple Alliance?
The aboriginal WWI war hero, Frederick Loft founded this organization to give his poeple a voice and sense of identity.
What is the League of Indians?
This political movement against the government during the Depression saw thousands of men heading to the nation's capital with the intention of spitting in PM Bennett's face.
What is the On-to-Ottawa Trek?
The League of Nations practiced this policy of giving fascist dictators what they want in order to avoid getting into another war. It did not work.
What is Appeasement?
A car with the engine taken out and then pulled by a horse during the great Depression was called the _______ buggy, after me, the Prime Minister at the time.
Who is Prime Minister R.B. Bennett?
Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism and Nationalism.
What are the long term Causes of World War One?
I was the first female Senator in Canada.
Who is Carine Wilson?
Prosperity, Recession, Depression and Recovery.
What is the economic/business cycle?
England, Canada, United States, Russia, New Zealand, Austrailia.
What are the Allies?
I was the President of the United States that decided to drop the Atom Bomb on Hiroshimi which ended the war.
Who is Henry S. Truman?
During this famous battle posionous gas was used for the first time.
What is the Battle of Ypres?
The "Famous Five" went all the way to the Privy Council in England with this well known court battle for women to be recognised as people and allowed to run for Senate in Canada.
What is the Persons' Case?
This is the date that the Stock Market crashed leading to the worst economic depression the world has ever known.
What is October 29, 1929?
This WWII battle was the worst military disaster in Canadian history.
What is the Dieppe Raid?
Along with my American colleague, I discovered insulin in the 1920s.
Who is Frederick Banting?