Social Change

Living in populated areas like cities

What is Urban?


Only people of age 8 or older had permission to do this

What is Working/having jobs


Unified Canada as a country 

What is Confederation 


An Economic activity that declined in Canada as agriculture and manufacturing started to rise in the 1800s

What is The Fur Trade


This group of people, mainly from Europe, was encouraged to settle in Western Canada during the late 1800s as the Canadian government sought to populate the prairies.

What are European Immigrants


Moving from one place to another in the same country 

What is Migration


Rich soil, Wheat grain development in the prairies and Successful crops are all 

What is Good Farming Conditions


Changes that were a result of population growth in the prairies

What is our new population coming from different countries bringing new languages, customs, cultures, economic growth, more workers and etc


Known for their mines of nickel and copper

What is Sudbury


This event, which started in 1885, marked the forced relocation of Indigenous peoples from their lands as settlers and railroads moved west

What is Residential Schools Systems 


A person who starts making changes to something in order to improve it

What is a Reformer


Persecuted for religious or political beliefs 

What is lack of personal freedom


a law passed by the Canadian government to regulate and control the lives of Indigenous peoples in Canada, particularly in relation to their land, governance, and cultural practices. 

What is the Indian Act


Workers began to to demand better wages, working hours, and conditions. This led to the rise of ......

What are Unions


This movement in Canada, which gained momentum as factory workers began organizing, was aimed at improving wages, working conditions, and labor rights.

What is The Labor Movement 


Treating someone or a group of people as they are insignificant or lower than others

What is Marginalization


Woman advocating for the right of personal freedom, rights to vote, child labor, educational rights, and and better working conditions

What is the Woman's Suffrage


Supported probation ( seeing alcohol as a social evil) and demanded that laws should stop all child labour.

What is The Women Christian Temperance Union(WCTU) 


This industry, driven by the expansion of the railway and demand for materials, became a major part of Canada's economy in the late 1800s.

What is Steel production


A movement which brought the reformers who spoke out about the injustice of child labor, inequality, poverty and Woman's Suffrage.

What is The Social Gospel Movement


The act of a government claiming private property against the wishes of the owner

What is Expropriation


(4x3)+6/2-(7-5)x2+3, The answer to this equation is also 

What is 14 the legal working age in Onatrio


Technological advancements (e.g., industrialization, new inventions),Economic shifts (e.g., changes in how people earn money, like moving from farming to industrial work), Political movements (e.g., reforms, revolutions, laws that change society), Social movements (e.g., women's suffrage, civil rights, Indigenous rights), Connecting Canadian regions, population and economic growth, are all 

What is Impacts/changes that were a result of the expansion of the railroad 


This Canadian company, which became one of the largest in the country, symbolized the power of the growing industrial economy in the late 1800s.

What is The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)


This 1900s movement in Canada sought recognition and rights for Indigenous peoples, eventually leading to greater advocacy for land and cultural preservation.

What is The Indigenous Rights Movement