how did the fur trade benefit the Europeans?
got lots of fur and made money
who were the coure de bois
runners of the woods
The Hudson’s Bay Company built more trading posts away from the shores of Hudson Bay because
because they wanted to
Who were the Métis?
They were descendants of the children of European fathers and First Nations mothers.
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Thought the fur trade should be part of the mercantile system
Wendat should be the middlemen in the fur trade
What type of people were allowed to get fur
Coure de bois
How the furs got back to the mother country for the french
Across land, then through the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River
Alexander Mackenzie reached the Arctic Ocean by
What are the four different roles that the Métis played in the fur trade?
Suppliers of provisions (food)
Workers at forts
Jean Talon
Attracted colonists (using government money) to live in New France
what is one benefit of the fur trade
made furs or got lots of money
The North West Company was formed when
British men (many of whom were married to French women) extended the fur trade further than ever before (to the West).
Alexander Mackenzie finally reached the Pacific ocean by
getting in a submarine
hudsons bay company
English corporation, formed in 1670, which held a monopoly over trade in the region watered by streams flowing into Hudson Bay in Canada
Marquis de Frontenac
-Became governor in 1672
-When the Wendat population declined, he wanted to expand the fur trading system by having the coureur de bois go out to get furs further into the western interior
what is the barter system
any exchange of goods and services for other goods and services without exchanging any form of money
who were the coure de bois
runner's of the woods
Who were the Métis?
they were people
how did the metis impact on the fur trade
acted as guides, interpreters, clerks, canoe men, fur packers, trade negotiators, and provided provisions to the Hudson's Bay Company, Northwest Company, and European fur traders.
La Grande Paix (The Great Peace of Montreal)
-1300 delegates from 40 First Nations communities agreed to sign a peace treaty and live in harmony with each other and with the French colonists and traders.
-it was an agreement that set the tone for multiculturalism in present-day Canada
What roles did First Nations women play in the fur trade?
Prepared furs
Worked in the forts (translators etc…)
Worked “on the road” (paddled canoes & working in the camps)
Shared language and geography skills
The North West Company was successful because
French was the main language of the Prairies and most people living there were either French or Metis (1821).
What role did the voyageurs play in the fur trade?
they traded
did the metis have a big impact on the fur trade.
yes they did
-Coureurs de bois could travel safely
-The peace lasted until the 1750s
-As beaver populations declined, the fur trade expanded north and west
-The growing fur trade helped other parts of the economy grow (created jobs in other industries)