Types of Immigrants
The Point System
Immigration Policies Factors
Miscellaneous Facts
Immigrant Facts
This type of immigrant comes to Canada to get a job.
What is an economic immigrant?
The factor on the points system that is determined by the level of schooling you have completed.
What is education?
The four factors that are related to Canada's immigration policies.
What is economic, political, health, and security?
Most immigrants coming to Canada arrive from these three countries.
What is China, India, and The Philippines?
These types of immigrants are eligible for family class immigration.
What is spouses, partners, children, dependents, parents, and grandparents?
This type of immigrant comes to Canada to stay with their family who has already immigrated.
What is a family class immigrant?
The factor on the points system that is determined by whether or not the immigrant already has a job in Canada.
What is arranged employment?
The piece of legislation passed to solve the problem that is Canada's declining labour force.
What is The Immigration and Refugee Act?
On average, Canada accepts these many immigrants per year.
What is 250,000 immigrants?
Instead of receiving support from the government, refugees receive support from these private groups.
What is sponsors?
This type of immigrant would come to Canada if they were facing persecution based on their beliefs.
What is a refugee?
An immigrant's ability to speak, listen, read, and write in either English or French. This partially determines how many points an immigrant gets on the point system test.
What is language proficiency?

To solve this problem, the Canadian government stops immigrants with serious contagious diseases from entering Canada.

What is spread of foreign disease in Canada?

If an immigrant fits into any of these three categories, they may be denied entry into Canada.
What is committed serious crimes, belong to a terrorist organization, and/or is a health threat?
Canada takes in __ in every __ refugees.
What is one in ten?
This "immigrant" is a person who has stayed past their visa time, or visited Canada and simply didn't leave.
What is an illegal immigrant?
How many years an immigrant has worked at their profession.
What is work experience?
To solve this problem with immigration, the Canadian government implemented border security
What is terrorism?
The number of immigrants Canada welcomes each year does not include these three groups.
What is tourists, temporary foreign workers and students, and illegal immigrants.
Most countries don't have a _______ program.
What is family class?
The type of immigrant that is the most common in Canada.
What is economic immigrants?
The number of points an immigrant must achieve on the points system test in order to immigrate into Canada
What is 67?

By allowing more immigrants to enter Canada to work, the Canadian government strengthens Canada's _______.

What is economy?

This percent of immigrants eventually become Canadian citizens.
What is 85 percent?
Economic workers include these types of people.
What is skilled workers and entrepreneurs, self-employed, and temporary workers?