Name 3 Animals In The Plains!
the multiply choices is:wolf,coyote,squirrel,foxes,bison,elk,pronghorn antelope and deer
name 1 way people get around in the arctic
air planes, snow mobiles, skis, sledge
true or false!?? the light house was build in 1996
FALSE💢 it was build in 1986!
red squirrel(🟥🐿),cardinals,wrens,lynx,moose(🫎)
name 2 animals in this region
multiply question:moose:mountain goats,snakes,fish
Name what even Happend in Manitoba Elie 2007
there was as f5 tornado and made destruction through there houses.
true or false? Do some days have 24 hour sunlight?
name 3 wood types
spruce, pine,maple,red spruce,yellow birch and balsam fir also there is white birch trees and spruce
when did these events takes place(new year celebrations)in toronto
2018 Dec 31t
oil coal vegetation
name 1 saskatchewan soil type
brown or black
name 3 natural resources
zinc, lead, silver, diamonds
how low does the temperature goes down in the atlantic
how much % of maple comes from this regions?
4 ways we use minerals oil,gravel,bricks,tooth paste,witamins,cereal,pencil
name 2 resources in the plains
how much were the grocery prices increased
triple the price
How much times did the grocery prices in Arctic increased?
what is the issue facing Canada's great lakes
population oil on the lake almost caught in fire also made animals deformed
(true or false??)in this region pacific ocean was explained as well as lake okanagan and more
how many years ago when it was shallow sea waters
500 years ago
name 8 land features
snow,ice,lake,glaciers,rivers,mountain,hills,flat,land cold,freezing
name 8 land features in the Arctic
snow,ice,lake,glaciers,rivers,mountain,hills,flat,land cold, freezing
pine,birch,maple,spruce,oak,white pine
what was talked in the cordillera fleeing wild fire?
that forest fire was starting to burn homes