Andre Rebelo, a famous Canadian Fortnite player and Youtuber, goes by this gaming name.
Who is Typical Gamer?
This is Canada's most famous waterfall and is Canada's most famous tourist attraction.
What is Niagara Falls?
This is Canada's national winter sport.
What is ice hockey?
Can produces 85% of the world's supply of this sweet breakfast topping.
What is maple syrup?
This flat tailed animal has been Canada's national animal since 1975.
What is a beaver?
This famous Canadian hockey player is known as "The Great One."
Who is Wayne Gretzky?
This is the name of the ocean that touches on the west coast.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
The Canadian, James Naismith, invented this popular sport played on a court.
What is basketball?
This type of pizza, which originated in Canada, is famous for it's controversial and unusual topping.
What is Hawaiian pizza?
These Canadian birds, also know as "honkers," migrate in a long V-shaped formation.
What are Canadian geese?
This famous "Mike" played Austin Powers and was the voice of Shrek.
Who is Mike Meyers.
This mountain range in western Canada stretches almost 5000km.
What are The Rocky Mountains?
The Toronto BlueJays play this sport.
What is baseball?
Poutine is made up of cheese curds, gravy and this.
What are fries or chips?
This animal is the largest member of the deer family. Males are recognizable by their huge antlers.
What are moose?
These two famous "Ryans" are both Canadian actors.
Who are Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds.
Canada has over 1 million of these geographical features, making it the country with the most in the world.
What are lakes?
This huge rodeo, called "The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth," is held every July in Calagary, Alberta.
What is The Calgary Stampede?
This pastry item found in the Canadian coffee shops goes by the name "Timbits."
What are donutholes (or mandazi)?
This flying insect migrates approximately 5,000 km from Canada to Mexico.
What is the Monarch butterfly?
This famous Canadian female singer sang the theme song for the movie "Titanic."
Who is Celine Dion?
This is the number of timezones in Canada.
What is 6?
In this popular Canadian sport, teams slide granite stones along a strip of ice.
What is curling?
Canada is the world's largest exporter of this small, sphere shaped fruit.
What are blueberries?
These bears, who are excellent swimmer, can be found on the Canadian two dollar coin, the toonie.
What are polar bears?