History of Cancel Culture
Notable Cases
Media and Cancel Culture
Definitions and Concepts
Impacts of Cancel Culture

The social media platform is often credited with amplifying the effects of cancel culture in the 2010s.

What is Twitter?


Which actor was "canceled" after being accused of sexual misconduct, leading to the cancellation of his show "The Last Man on Earth"?

Who is Will Arnett?


This social media platform, known for its short video format, has been a battleground for cancel culture, especially among Gen Z.

What is TikTok?


What term refers to the act of withdrawing support for a public figure or company after they have done or said something considered objectionable?

What is canceling?


Cancel culture has led many companies to adopt these types of statements to publicly express their values on social issues.

What are diversity and inclusion statements?


The term "cancel culture" gained significant traction during which major social movement that began in 2020?

What is Black Lives Matter?


Which author faced backlash for her comments about transgender issues in 2020?

Who is J.K. Rowling?


This popular social media platform has faced criticism for its role in enabling cancel culture through its algorithms.

What is Facebook?


What is the term for a public shaming that often occurs on social media platforms?

What is a "call-out"?


Supporters of cancel culture claim it holds individuals accountable for these types of behaviors.

What are harmful or unethical actions?


In what year did the term "cancel culture" start appearing more frequently in mainstream media discussions?

What is 2016?


This comedian faced significant backlash in 2018 for a controversial joke regarding school shootings.

Who is Dave Chappelle?


This streaming service removed episodes of "The Office" and "30 Rock" due to concerns about offensive content, sparking debates about cancel culture.

What is Netflix?


Critics argue that cancel culture can sometimes lead to this phenomenon where people feel they cannot speak openly due to fear of repercussions.

What is "self-censorship"?


The impact of cancel culture can lead to this economic effect for businesses or individuals who face boycotts.

What is "loss of income" or "financial loss"?


This online petition platform has been used extensively to initiate cancel culture campaigns.

What is Change.org


This musician had their music removed from several platforms due to accusations of sexual abuse in 2019.

Who is R. Kelly?


This 2020 documentary film critically examines cancel culture and its implications for society.

What is "The Canceling of the American Mind"?


This phrase refers to cancel culture actions that lead to debate and division, often along political lines.

What is "polarization"?


Cancel culture can lead to a loss of this, making it harder for people to secure employment or maintain their current job.

What is "professional reputation"?


Cancel culture is often linked to this 2019 controversy involving the New York Times and an op-ed by Tom Cotton advocating military intervention.

What is the backlash against the editorial published in the New York Times?


This TV chef was "canceled" after a 2013 lawsuit revealed her use of racial slurs, leading to the cancellation of her cooking shows and endorsement deals

Who is Paula Deen?


This news network launched a segment called "Cancel Culture: A National Conversation" in 2021.

What is FOX News?


This term describes when a person or company is socially rejected or dismissed due to controversial views or actions.

What is "ostracism"?


Cancel culture can reinforce this type of communication, where differing opinions are less tolerated and echo chambers form around shared beliefs.

What is "ideological conformity"?