This opp has cheated on every girl he's dated and couldn't even stay friends with the group that has Nick Souto
Tommy Torres
who was the pre/after to the Lourdes Christmas Formal 2021
After: Vicky Fernandez
which person hosted the College Acceptance party that turned into a UF decision party
Mati Gandarias
This person went with Alejandro Acosta and Papi Ramos
Liana Sierra
which people from Trip have won beer pong championships
Cami, Schneider, and Valeria
This opp has the cliquiest friend group including Emily Sanz and has been referred to as a certain ogre from a famous animated franchise
Gaby Puig
In which prom did Vicky Graves balance between Johnathon Palmasson and Santi Elizondo
which senior year party has the highest known attendance
Tig's Halloween Party
Name Mona's original 2022 Lourdes senior prom date, and who he actually went with
Caro Vazquez and Andrea Altamirano
what item from the Orlando trip became a game to steal
Toilet paper
This opp is the only person to attend high school for a 5th year and was always shorter than his prom dates
Chris Ramos
In which after party did the entire Lourdes student government see a Magic Mike recreation
Sami Simpson's warehouse party
At which person's house did Anna Alfano (Crystal) claim a serious allegation against Alec Schneider
Ignacio Felix
This person went to proms with Mikey, Sebi Lopez, Fasi, and Mona
Andrea Altamirano
For each member of Trip, name one of their ex's
Cami: Matt
Amanda: AJ
Alec: Valeria or Regina
Valeria: Alec
Tig: Johanna, Emma Fernandez
Johnny: Tuli Ahrens
Fasi: (please tell us)
Schaeppi: N/A
Mona: N/A
Eva: Matthew
Andie: N/A
Vicky: Alf
Llama: N/A
Santi: Abby
This opp has a body count higher than her IQ and has a knack for taking ubers with a certain member of the male specimen
Vicky Graves
which Lourdes girl screamed the N-word at the Lourdes Christmas formal
Adriana Garcia
who brough unconsecrated eucharist to Gaby Toyos's party?
Cristy Escobar (No relation to Pablo)
Name any John Goble date to either Poker Night or Prom besides Vicky Graves
Lily Lamelas, Sarah Perez, Bianca (no clue how to spell last name), Sofi Tapanes
which party wiped out the majority of Trip (alcoholically)
Tig's Toga Party
This opp loves lap dances and reconnecting with old fames from high school after
Papi Ramos
At which Belen dance did some people get sick/food poisoning from the chicken served at dinner?
Belen Senior Formal
which person had us hide in their house after the police were called due to noise complaints
Gabby Toyos
who's formal date messed him up so bad at St. Pregnant that she has become a taboo
Kevin Schaepppi
what did Santi try cooking at the Orlando trip and where did everyone go for dinner after it's revelation
Cooked: Carbonara Pasta
Ate: McDonald's and Chipotle