initiating apoptosis through death receptors or mitochondrial
What is extrinsic and intrinsic pathways
cancer cells continue to divide and avoid cell death due to at what stage and caused by what mutation?
What is G1 and P53
what is metastasizes
Through which body systems do cancer cells travel to reach other organs?
What is epithelial cells
To achieve growth the tumor cells secrete proteins to stimulate blood vessels.
What is how tumor cells stimulate blood vessel growth as they expand
In between what stages does DNA go through apoptosis if damaged?
What is Between G2 and M
Resistance to apoptosis
What is the overexpression of anti-apoptotic protein
when the tumor spreads it goes into the matrix breaking through the membrane
what is the enzyme matrix's role in cancer progression
what are tumor cells weakly attaching and rolling along the vessel lining until securely attached
What is how tumor cells attach and enter new tissues?
the stimulation of angiogenic signals, the formation of leaky and disorganized vessels in tumors, and the promotion of interaction between cancer cells and vascular endothelial cells
what is the role does VEGF play in creating new blood vessels that enable cancer to spread?
in this phase of the cell cycle where cells can enter and exit and are not actively dividing
What is the G0 phase?
Caused by mutation what is being overproduced that helps initiate a cascade of events to regulate the cell cycle
What is ligands?
What tumor cells migrate toward the blood vessels they breakdown the basement membrane surrounding the vessels
What is tumor cells interact with the extracellular matrix during invasion
what is entering the bloodstream and/or lymphatic system to initiate new tumors in other parts of the body
what is the tumor breaks from the main tumor
The prevention of endothelial cells that form blood vessels?
what is targeting VEGF and its receptors to inhibit further spreading
This prevents uncontrolled cell division by halting the cell cycle.
what is p53?
mutation of this gene leads to abnormal activation of the signaling pathways they control
What is Proto-oncogenes
what is leaving an open pathway that allows for less aggressive cells to invade the tissue and grow
what is the level aggression of the tumor cells in terms of their invasive properties
mutation of this inhibits apoptosis and allows cancer cells to metastasize
what is CDKs
cell express proteins to allow the new blood vessels to form growth of new vessels in the tumor
What is new blood vessels facilitate continued tumor growth?
They push the cell cycle through acting as checkpoints?
What is the role of CDKS
What is tumor suppressor genes
This begins the invasions of tumor cells causing the cells to spread and infect other parts of the body
what is loss of cell adhension
used to fight cancer by blocking the growth factor(VEGF) receptors from working by blocking the receptors inhibiting further spreading
What is monoclonal antibodies
Proliferation of the blood vessels can induce
what is the breakdown of the extracellular matrix