how does candy taste like?
what is sweet
what was the ingredients to make the first candy?
what is honey mixed with fruits or nuts
what do people give at valentines day?
what is chocolates
What candy is on a stick and you lick it.
what is a Lollipop
What is the most popular candy?
what is Snickers
when was the most hated jelly bean made(hint it was the booger flavor
what is 2007
What is the popular candy in halloween
what is candy corn
what is a candy that has 2 different colors on each side be sweet or sour
what is gummy worms
What is the most hated candy?
what is laffy taffy
where was candy made?hint:candy was made a long time ago
what is 16th century
what popular candy is given around christmas?
what is candy canes
What is a candy that is hard and sparkly
what is Rock candy
What does m&m stand for?
what is mars and murrie
in m&m what color the blue replace in 1995 hint:close to a peachy shade
what is tan
when is jelly bean day? hint its in april
what is April 22
what candy are people mostly allergic but some people like it
what is reese cups
how much pounds of chocolate is eaten in the us each year?in between 2 billion and 3 billion
what is 2.8 billion pounds
who made the first candy bar hint its a human and his last name is fry
what is joseph fry
When is lollipop day?
what is july 20
what candy is chewy and sticky when you chew it?hint: most people HATE this candy
what is candy corn