what candy is eaten specifically on Halloween?
candy corn
what is another word for fairy floss?
cotton candy
in what movie (that is also a book) does a boy get to go inside a candy factory?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
what town is named after a candy company?
Hershey PA
what candy is eaten for christmas?
candy cane
what is the name of the candy that is dispensed out of cartoon characters?
what candy does ET eat?
reeses pieces
what colors do classic M&Ms come in?
red, orange, blue, green, yellow, brown
what candy is eaten for Hanukkah?
gelt/chocolate coins
what are two brands of red licorice?
twizlers and red vines
what does forrest gump say life is like?
a box of chocolates
what was ronald reagan's favorite candy?
jelly beans
what candy is eaten on valentines day?
what does m&m stand for?
mars and murrie (the inventors)
what is the candy themed video game in wreck it ralph?
sugar rush
how many M&Ms are produced in 8 hours one factory?
2 billion!!
what are populare easter candies?
jelly beans, peeps
what is the name of the candy originally called chicken feed?
candy corn
what is your favorite movie candy?
everyone discuss!
what are astronauts favorite candy?