Cannabis The Plant
The Brain & Cannabis
The Body & Cannabis
Teens & Cannabis

Weed is this generally made of these two plant parts.

Answer: leaves and flowers

Some people also use a THC extract or resin. These are usually much stronger with more THC in them and smoking or vaping an extract or resin can deliver a dangerous amount of THC. 


True or false: Eating an edible means THC won't get to your brain

Answer: False

All psychoactive drugs effects the brain. This means that the THC in weed causes changes in how the brain functions and how it perceives the world. In addition to other changes, weed (in any form) can also cause delusions (believing things that aren't true), hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren't there), and even psychosis (having false thoughts).


True or false: Cannabis only exists in North America.

Answer: False 

Cannabis exists all over the world. It has different names in different languages and areas. 


True or false: teens who smoke cannabis will have no cough or impact on their lungs.

Answer: False

People who smoke weed long term are more likely to have a daily cough and similar daily lung problems as people who smoke tobacco. This can also make someone more likely to get pneumonia. Smoking weed can also make it harder to quit smoking cigarettes - which can cause lung cancer. Scientists aren't sure yet if smoking weed makes it more likely someone will get lung cancer. 


True or false: everyone who uses cannabis will become addicted.

Answer: false 

About 10% of people will become addicted to cannabis. Lots of factors including family history, mental health, and the age they start using. Addiction means using despite negative impacts on their behavior.


Cannabis comes from the latin name for this plant, this is the latin name.

Answer: cannabis indica or cannabis sativa

Both types of plant contain elta-9-tetrahydrocannabino which is known as THC. While weed contains over 500 chemicals, THC is the chemical that is mind altering (makes someone high). 


True or false: The brain is fully developed by 18.

Answer: False

The brain is not developed until the mid-20s which means psychoactive drugs have different impacts on teens than on adults. While most teens who use weed don't use any other drugs, exposing the teen brain which is still developing to weed, may make other drugs more appealing and increase access to other drugs. 


This percentage of drug arrests in the US are cannabis related.

Answer: 50%

Black people and white people have similar rates of using weed - however black Americans are more likely to be arrested than white people on weed related charges. Most arrests are on possession charges.


Weed has this impact on reflexes. 

Answer: slows reflexes 

Slow reflexes is one of the ways weed impairs the ability to drive. It also slows reaction times, as well as the ability to think. 14% of drivers who die in car accidents have weed in their blood - driving after using weed is not safe. 


True or false: teens who use cannabis are just as likely as teens who don't to develop psychosis. 

Answer: false

Teens who use cannabis are more likely to develop psychosis (believing, seeing, thinking or hearing things that are not there or are not happening) and other mental illness. This is especially true for teens with a genetic risk of schizophrenia.


This is the acronym for the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.

Answer: THC

People who have ingested large amounts of THC have had to go to the emergency room feeling nervous, physically shaking, and seeing or hearing things that aren't there, or believing things that aren't true. 


Cannabis affects learning, coordination, pleasure, mood and one of these other areas. (Answers may vary)


  • altered senses (such as seeing brighter colors)
  • altered sense of time
  • changes in mood
  • slow reaction time
  • problems with balance and coordination
  • increased appetite
  • trouble thinking and solving problems
  • memory problems
  • hallucinations (seeing things that aren’t really there)
  • delusions (believing something that is not true)
  • psychosis (having false thoughts) (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)

The age at which a person can legally buy cannabis in Massachusetts

Answer: 21

Cannabis is not legal federally - 18 states have legalized cannabis. Massachusetts legalized weed in 2016. However, some people who were convicted and sentence for cannabis related offenses are still serving time.


True or false: high school seniors who use cannabis are 15% more likely to get into a car accident than their peers who do not use cannabis.

Answer: False

High school seniors using cannabis are 65% more likely to get into a car accident. Using weed and drinking any amount of alcohol makes the danger of driving even greater. 


True or false: The age someone starts smoking as NO effect on how likely they are to develop an addiction

Answer: false

Smoking before 18 makes someone 4 -7 times more likely to become addicted. 4.2 million people over the age of 12 had an addiction to weed in 2011. Family history, relationships, and many other factors can also impact how likely someone is to develop an addiction. 25-50% of daily users  become addicted. 


This is the acronym for a common non psychoactive ingredient in cannabis

Answer: CBD

CBD stands for cannabidiol. CBD is not mind altering - it doesn't get a person high. CBD oil is used to treat seizures in some children with epilepsy. 


True or false: When someone stops using cannabis they will experience any withdrawal symptoms. 

Answer: True 

Someone who stops smoking might be irritable, and experience anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and cravings for weed. They may also not be hungry. These symptoms can last for days or weeks.


Around 30 years ago, the psychoactive component in cannabis averaged 4%. Now it averages, this amount.

Answer: 15%

Weed has gotten MUCH stronger - that percentage can be even stronger in extracts or oils. Research isn't clear yet on what higher strength weed might do to someone's body and brain. Some people just use less weed to compensate for the change in strength. 


In rare cases, people who uses weed long term and regularly can experience these symptoms.

Answer: nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting

People who use weed long term report having a relationship and memory challenges, have lower salaries and are less satisfied in their lives in general. They also tend to be less successful in their careers and have worse mental and physical health. 


This percentage of teens have NOT used cannabis in their lifetime.

Answer: 62%

In 2020, 92% of 8th graders, 80.9% of 10th graders, and 77.9% of 12th graders have NOT smoked in the past year. 

Daily (or almost daily) cannabis use rates in 2020: .07% of 8th graders, 1.7% of 10th graders, and 2.5% of 12th graders. All of these numbers are less than in 2016!