Most common substance used during pregnancy...
What is: Marijuana
Most common substance found in black infants...
What is: Cannabis
Cannabis can cross what to result in fetal exposure?
What is: Placenta
Nurses should educate that with larger amounts of use, there will be a...
What is: Larger concentration in breast milk
In larger hospitals with Medicaid (versus smaller hospitals and higher income patients), the likelihood of being reported to CPS was...
What is: Higher/Increased
Cannabis use has recently increased due to...
What is: Legalization
Cannabis use in the past year has...
What is: Increased
The length of time neurodevelopment effects of cannabis can last...
What is: Into adulthood
When using medications recreationally, the effects of the medications on lactation needs to be weighed against...
What is: Benefits of breastfeeding
Reporting to CPS in infants exposed to cannabis versus substances like opioids is...
What is: Less common
Likely related to maternal dose, frequency of dosing, simple diffusion, and trapping within the breast milk as a result of lipophilicity...
What is: Cannabis concentration in breastmilk
Age of pregnant women that are less likely to use cannabis...
What is: 35+
Cannabis exposure was linked to low...
What is: Birth weight
The nurse should be asking about substance abuse in...
What is: Regular screenings
Lower levels of anxiety and depression symptoms and higher levels of what symptoms were predictors of cannabis use?
What is: ADHD
This is found in cannabis and known to block acute, delayed, and anticipatory nausea and vomiting...
What is: Cannabinoids
Estimated percent of pregnant or breastfeeding mother's that use cannabis...
What is: 5-35%
Cannabis exposure was linked to increased risk of...
What is: NICU admission
It is important for health care providers to ask about the reason for use and...
What is: Discuss alternative therapies
To allow treatment of the woman’s substance use and not to punish or prosecute her is the purpose of...
What is: Screening for substance use
To improve migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, symptoms related to cancer/cancer treatment, nausea/vomiting, anxiety, and pain...
What is: Therapeutic uses of cannabis
Factors that increase odds of cannabis use...
What is: lower education level, experiencing thoughts of self-harm, and self-reported symptoms of postpartum depression and/or anxiety disorder
Cannabis exposure to the infant could result in these types of defects...
What is: cognitive, social, and motor
Nurses should educate that tetrahydrocannabinol can appear in breastmilk as soon as an hour and last up to...
What is: 6 days after consumption
Pregnant women who use marijuana and had a positive screening result can be subject to...
What is: Child welfare investigations