Get It In Me
They Used To
Made up words
Which Delta is it?

These are the top two medicinal (and most commonly known) cannabinoids.

What are THC and CBD?


This is the most immediate route earning the moniker: “the ibuprofen or marijuana”

What is inhalation?


This ancient culture used to take the broad cannabis leaf and use it as bandage and gauze treating open wounds and bloody noses. 

What was Ancient Greece?


This terpene is the most common mood elevator and is included in many cleaning solutions and cosmetics because it is as much a fragrance as it is a dietary supplement. 

What is Limonene? 🍋


The most commonly Delta used for of THC produced and consumed in the United States.

What is Delta 9 THC?


This cannabinoid is the most popular known for its with psychoactive properties.

What is THC?


These two routes are absorbed in the mucus membrane in the mouth and esophagus offering a quicker onset than other ingestibles. 

What are Sublingual and Oral?


This group of traveling nomads relied on cannabis for its short growing cycle and resilient roots.

What were the Yamnaya?


Name Two Terpenes that help with inflammation?

What are: Humelene, Mycene, Caryophyllene, Pinene, Borneol, and Ocimene?


A less commonly used DELTA that, when unaltered, produces little to no psycho activity and is usually classified as “hemp”.

What is Delta 8 THC?


This cannabinoid helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar

What is CBD?


These two routes are filtered in the bloodstream and don’t active the endocannibanoid system.

What are inhalation and topical?


This ancient culture was the first to used a crushed cannabis paste to treat glaucoma. 

What was ancient Egypt?


These two terpenes help with sleep by sharing a sedating and calming effect.

What are Linalool and Nerolidol?


Thanks to president Trump in 2017, this DELTA is federally legal and accessible in all 50 of the United States of America.

What is Delta 8 THC?


This cannabinoid helps suppress appetite and is recommended for evening consumption. 

What is CBN?


These three routes are all fast acting showing results as soon as 15-30 minutes and lasting anywhere between 3 and 6 hours.

What are Oral, suppository, and sublingual?

(Double jeopardy for all plus nasal spray)


This ancient culture’s mountainous climate produced mostly CBD bearing cannabis, or hemp. This lead to the primary uses becoming rope, clothing and bowstrings.

What was ancient China?


This terpene acts as a magnifying glass enhancing any terpenes it interacts with.

What is Caryophyllene?


This DELTA is fully legal and unrestricted in 24 of the United States and completely illegal in 6.

What is Delta 9 THC?


CBD is known for helping with inflammation and anxiety while inhibiting tumor/cancer cell growth.  These other two cannabinoids also help with all three.

What are THC, CBG, CBC?

(2 out of 3 needed)


Is the only route that offers immediate relief without heat or lasting irritation to the lungs. (Suggested for lung cancer patients) *

What is Vapor(respiratory) inhaler(inhalant)?


This ancient goddess was often associated with cannabis.

Who was Demeter? 

The Greek goddess of the harvest.

(Double points for Seshat)


This terpene helps with memory retention and respiratory health making it a commonly used fragrance in cosmetic products for relaxing. 

What is Eucalyptol?


A lesser known DELTA that is sativa specific. Bonding to a different part of the receptor has been shown to produce less psycho activity than even hemp. 

What is Delta 10 THC?