Strengths Domain
Life Functioning Domain
Behavioral/Emotional Needs Domain
Risk Behaviors Domain
Caregiver resources and needs Domain


Ability to recognize their internal strengths AND use them in managing daily life. How the youth uses their internal strengths to problem solve challenges and/or cope with challenges.

What is resilience?


Child/Youth is having problems with their parents, siblings, and/or other family members that are impacting the youth’s functioning.

What is Family Functioning?


Recurrent physical complaints that have no physical medical cause - these symptoms are associated with psychosocial distress and medical help seeking

What is Somatization?


Does not include use of matches, candles, incense or accidental fire setting.

What is Fire Setting?


The degree to which the family is experiencing distress as a whole related to caring for the youth’s specific behavioral health needs/struggles and challenges

What is Family Stress?


Connection to people, places or institutions in their community outside their family of origin. Informal networks or communities that the youth is connected to.

What is community life?


Focus on current social skills and social peer relationships – making and keeping friends , age-appropriate social interactions

What is Social Functioning?


Shifts in previously adaptive functioning evidenced in regressions in behaviors of psychological functioning

What is Behavioral Regression?


Developmentally inappropriate and problematic sexual behavior

What is Sexually Problematic Behaviors?


The caregivers legal involvement (not about the child, except for family court and child welfare court related issues)

What is Legal?


The child’s ability to identify AND use external environmental strengths to manage daily life. (a child who asks a guidance counselor for help because their school schedule is not clear)

What is resourcefulness?


Child/Youth is having severe problems with parents, siblings and/or other family members that are impacting functioning and resulting in danger or severe impairment in functioning

What is family functioning?


Youth has experienced a traumatic event, OR the team has evidence to believe that a youth experienced a traumatic event AND the youth is having difficulty adjusting to that experience/event, evidence the youth is having a trauma response to a traumatic event (hypervigiliance, hyperarousal, emotional dysregulation, intrusive re-experiencing, avoidance, numbing, dissociation)

What is adjustment to trauma?


History of victimization and if they are current risk for re-victimization. Bullied, sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse exploitation etc.

What is Victimization/Exploitation?


Includes both the caregivers ability to physical supervise, watch, observe a youth but also includes the caregivers ability to implement appropriate behavior modification strategies in the home for the youth’s specific needs

What is Supervision?


Focuses on the young persons foundational skills to form and build relationships with other people. The ability to make and maintain relationships. Explore relationships with adults and children overtime. How they are currently functioning in their peer relationships, the quality of those relationships will be rated in social functioning (Life domain)

What is interpersonal?


Development compared to standard developmental milestones – presence of any known IDD or developmental disabilities,rate the significance of disability and the related level of impairment in personal, social, school, occupational functioning

What is Developmental/Intellectual?


Ability to form relationships with caregivers , Type of relationships form with caregivers, youth may have difficulty with separations, physical boundaries, relational closeness, may too quickly attach or avoid attachment all of which impacts the ability to form positive relationships

What are attachment difficulties?


Behaviors engaged in to FORCE CONSEQUENCES for purpose of secondary gain. Youth doesn’t have to articulate connection, but team does

What is Intentional Misbehavior?


This refers to the parents ability to keep the living environment a safe environment for the child to be in (not about the safety of others due to the child’s behavior)

What is Safety?


Sense of family identity, sense of love and commitment to one another, sense of loyalty to one another. Many families are highly conflicted or struggling with effective communication and effective conflict resolution (we will capture that in family functioning- different domain) this is about their foundational sense of underlying love and connection to one another.

What is family strengths?


Examination of the youth’s functioning in relation to the living arrangement for self and others- Is this living situation at risk for this youth? Are youth’s behaviors in the living situation creating significant problems for others in the residence? Interactions between youth and environment

What is living situation?


Lacking empathy or care/concern for well being of others Significant harm caused to others or behaviors with the intention to harm Harm of animals Violating others and/violation of social norms/laws Proactive aggression/manipulation/violation rather than reactive

What is Conduct/Antisocial?


Risk of running away or actual runaway behavior

What is running away?


The caregivers relationship to the “system” current and past system/helper involvement and their perception of that involvement - how it impacts current care and participation w/system helpers regarding the child

What is Relationship to the System?