Needs Domains
Rating Caveats/Principles
Wild Card

The nature of the schools relationship with the child/youth and family. 

What is "Educational Setting"


The youth's ability to make and sustain relationships, how well the youth is managing friendships and/or relationships with same age peers

What is Social Functioning in the Life Functioning Needs Domain


John is receiving therapy services multiple times per week, has a mentor, and goes to an after school program 3 days a week.  These services have changed his expression of needs.

What is "Service masking"

Providing appropriate monitoring and behavior modification/discipline techniques for the youth/child 

Caregiver resources needs: Supervision 


Hobbies, Skills and interests that are positive ways the youth can spend time.

What is talents and interests


Reckless and dangerous or potentially dangerous behavior, not intended to harm self or others but places the youth in or others in jeopardy

What is Other Self Harm (Recklessness) Risk Behaviors Need Domain


John was dangerously violent to his brother two months ago and his brother needed surgery. John hasn't been violent in the past 30- days but danger to others continues to be a need. 

What is Rating Caveat: Severity - 


Having a pre-assessment meeting with a youth and/or family member to explain what the CANS is 

What is Stage Setting and Youth/Families as true partners in care


Well developed and able to be used centrally in care planning. 

What is "Centerpiece strength" or rating of "0"


Described regressions in behavior or psychological functioning after having demonstrated adaptive functioning in this area

Behavioral Regression, Behavior Emotional Needs Domain


Interviewing and involving more than just youth and caregiver in a CANS assessment 

What is Principle of Communimetrics: Multiple Perspectives


John has a bag packed in his closet and when upset makes comments about running away where no one will find him. John has never run away.

Runaway item (at least a rating of a 1) 


A great amount of effort will need to be used to develop in this area so that it is able to be included in care planning.

What is a rating of "3" in strengths domain


Behavior engaged in on purpose to force a consequence or circumstance to occur, there is always a secondary gain/benefit to the youth

Intentional Misbehavior, Risk behavior domain


Exploring perspectives to come to a shared understanding about a youth and families needs

What is Principle of communimetrics: Consensus based ratings 


John's mom reports she has depression, is taking medication and attending therapy appointments weekly. 

What is a rating of a (1) caregiver needs domain, Mental health 


A strong sense of family connection, family identity, underlying love and commitment to one another

What is family strengths


There is a suspicion, history of or risk of an issue that requires monitoring

Needs Domain Rating of a "1" - watchful waiting


Youth, Guardian and Multiple Perspectives

What is the required parties to be included in a CANS assessment


John's mom and dad are sleeping in shifts to provide line of site supervision to John, They are exhausted and John's father might lose his job because he fell asleep twice at work. John's sister is fearful that he might hurt her again after he lost his temper and threatened to stab her two months ago. Johns mom and dad are worried about how to keep everyone safe. 

Caregiver domain- Family Stress