School Uniform
General Appearance
Leaving the Classroom

What is the official time from Tuesdays to Fridays to be considered NOT tardy?

8:15 AM

Note: Official time for Mondays is 8:05 to be on time for Flag Ceremony


When is PE uniform worn?

Only during PE class days


What kind of accessories are allowed to wear in school?

Simple jewelry

(stud earrings, scapular)


When can I use my devices/gadgets?

Before and after school hours and for school work authorized by subject teacher during her subject period


When do I submit to my class adviser my permit to leave early/riding home letter?

During morning CAP check-in


When is attendance checked?

Every morning CAP/assembly and in every period


What is the prescribed length of socks worn with plaid uniform?

Above ankle bone

Note: Plain white socks


How do I keep my nails presentable?

Have them trimmed and avoid wearing nail polish

This will also keep your nails look clean and healthy


Which form do I need to have if I need to use my device outside my subject period for academic purpose?

Gadget slip/Green form

(signed by subj. teacher)

Note: In using the green form, the device can only be used in the specified time


How many students are allowed to go to the restroom at the same time during a subject period?

Only two (2)


What are considered excused absences? Give at least 2

  1. Medical reasons

  2. family emergencies

  3. special appointments set by government agencies and other institutions where personal appearance is required

  4. representing the school for competitions

  5. observance of a religious holiday or ceremony

    Note: present excuse letter upon return to school


For varsity members, when can you wear your varsity shirt in school?

During training periods only


Can students wear makeup in school?

No. Wearing of make-up during regular school days is not allowed.


How can I claim my gadget which is confiscated for the first time?

Present to CPF the agreement (confiscation) form signed by parent


When is leaving the class considered cutting class?

If a student steps out of the class or stays in any area of the school for more than 10 minutes (except for medical reasons)


On which count of tardiness will a warning letter be issued? 


Third count


What should I do if my ID gets lost and I cannot find it?

  1. Inform class adviser as soon as possible.

  2. Go to Registrar’s office to inform and request for a new one.


What is the school policy for hair coloring?

Hair is kept neat and simple with natural hair coloring.


How can I claim my gadget which is confiscated for the second time?

Parents need to get the confiscated item directly from the CPF


What are the two things that I should have if I plan to go to the clinic during a subject period?

Clinic form (pink form) signed by subject teacher and Clinic Pass


On which count of tardiness will a sanction be issued? 


For every 5th count

Note: Habitual tardiness is considered a minor offense


What is the complete prescribed plaid uniform?

  1. Prescribed blouse and skirt using the official Woodrose plaid material 

  2. Blue ribbon

  3. Woodrose ID

  4. Plain or skin toned brassiere and sando (tucked into the skirt)

  5. Plain white socks

  6. Plain black school shoes (with flat heels not more than one inch high)


Is not following the guidelines on general appearance considered an offense?

Yes, it will be considered minor offense on its 15th count.

It follows the same guidelines for tardiness:

3rd count - warning

Every 5th count - sanction


On which count of confiscation will it be classified as minor offense?


Third count


How long can a student stay in the clinic for whatever medical reason?

Only one (1) hour

Note: Overstaying is considered cutting class