2nd grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade

Feelings like anger and hurt... 

Are bad, and you should be ashamed of them

Warn you that you have a conflict to solve

Should be kept to yourself

Are reasons for hurting other people

Warn you that you have a conflict to solve 


Which of these statements is an I-message?

I feel like you are a loud mouth

I feel angry when you say I cheat

You slow-poke! I should kick you off the team!

I wish I had a robot

I feel angry when you say I cheat


Which of the following is cooperative?

Working together on a science project

Playing Monopoly

Entering an art contest

Trying to sell more magazines than a friend

Working together on a science project 

Playing Monopoly 


What should you do when other people disagree with your opinion?

Tell them they are wrong

Change your opinion to agree with theirs

Listen to their reasons and explain your reasons

Apologize for disagreeing

Listen to their reasons and explain your reasons


A conflict may be...

An argument

A fight

A disagreement

All of the above

All of the above 


The way I see my side of the conflict is called my 


Remote control


Point of view

Point of View 


Which of the following is a communication roadblock?



Asking Questions

Using I-messages



Which of the following statements is true?

There is only one right way to handle conflict

Conflicts are bad, and people should not have them

People can handle conflicts in good and bad ways

Every conflict has a winner and a loser

People can handle conflicts in good and bad ways


Which feeling(s) should you use I-messages for?

Any feeling




Any feeling 


"Seeing both sides" in a conflict means that you

Have perfect eyesight

Understand how the other person sees the problem

Can see both of the other people who are fighting

Agree with the other person

Understand how the other person sees the problem 


Which of these sentences is an example of exaggerating?

You spilled something on my shirt

Did you spill something on my shirt

I feel angry when you spill something on my shirt

You totally ruined my best shirt, and I'll never be able to get another one

You totally ruined my best shirt, and I'll never be able to get another one


Bullying is

Threatening, hurting, or scaring other people

Being bigger and stronger than other people

Staying calm, standing tall, and speaking up

Not really a serious problem

Threatening, hurting, or scaring other people


When you have a decision to make, you should...

Ask your friends what to do

Stop and think about your choices and their consequences

Do the first thing you think of

Say no

Stop and think about your choices and their consequences


Why should people express their feelings?

So other people will understand

To help them keep their self-control

To build their self-esteem

All of the above

All of the above


To get from a conflict to a solution, start by... 

Agreeing to travel together to solve the problem

Telling the other person why he or she is wrong

Competing with each other

Agreeing to disagree

Agreeing to travel together to solve the problem


When a conflict escalates...

There is nothing you can do about it

It gets worse

It gets calm

It is easier to solve

It gets worse


What is the name of the company Ms.L works for?



Being responsible for your own feelings and actions is

Being responsible for your own feelings and actions is

Being responsible for your own feelings and actions is


Remote control


Point of view

Remote control


Point of view

Remote control


Point of view



To solve a conflict well, you need to be able to... 

Think of many different ideas

Be in the fastest reading group

Remember a lot of hard rules

Be good at math

Think of many different ideas 


Which of the following are ways to show respect for other people?

Listening to others without interrupting

Using their names

Asking them to tell their point of view

All of the above

All of the above


Which of these statements would de-escalate a conflict?

You never listen to anything I say

You did this on purpose

Joey, we can work this out

I'm going to tell on you

Joey, we can work this out


What is Ms.L's favorite color?